2013 Airshows
Titusville (Tico), FL
NAS Key West, FL
Chino, CA
Indy 500 Fly-Over
Reading, PA WWII Weekend
CWH Show,
Hamilton, ONT
Dayton, OH
Muncie, IN
Topeka, KS
Purdue University, IN
Thunder over
Michigan, Belleville, MI
Hillsdale, MI
Marion, IN
Waukegan, IL
Glendale Airport, Kokomo,
IN Rome, GA
Peachtree City, GA
Houston, TX
Urbana, OH B-25 Gathering
B-25 Doolittle
Memorial Fly-over at Dayton, OH
There are many excellent
websites available that have air show photos available. However,
my research has shown that there are no other websites that are
dedicated to purely focusing on all of the warbirds at an aerial event,
as others will include civilian aerobatic and military aircraft or don't
do warbirds at all. This site documents all of the warbirds that
attend a show, fly-in, or open house with photos of each. This includes not only
the bombers and fighters that normally get photographed, but the
liaisons, trainers and transports also.
Epilogue for 2013:
In 2013 I was able to attend 20 different aviation events, ranging from
warbirds giving rides to full blown airshows. While I was able to
visit some old favorites I was able to go to some new events for me at
NAS Key West, FL Topeka, KS, Hillsdale, MI, Rome, GA and Peachtree City,
GA. I was also able to get back to the Wings over Houston Airshow
after several years. In spite of sequestration there were still many
opportunities of events to go to and see warbirds fly. Actually in
many cases sequestration added warbirds to airshow lineups.
Also in 2013 I added one military base to my goal of seeing an airshow
at all of the Military Air Bases and Stations in the US. This was
NAS Key West which was one of only two or three military shows that
happened due to military budget cuts and sequestration.

Show Time!!!! First Flag Jump of the
2013 season on Friday, March 22 at the Tico Airshow.

"Wall of Fire" at Tico on Saturday, March
23, 2013. I had the camera fixed on the pyro blast location and
was not expecting the A-4 to fly so low. Also the shutter speed
was still set at a longer exposure time to get the prop blur on the
T-28s that had just flown through, so the A-4 is just a bit fuzzy.
If I had planned to try and capture the Skyhawk in front of the pyro I
probably would have missed it. This was an unplanned, lucky shot.

Opening missing man formation at the 2013
Planes of Fame Airshow in Chino, CA.

Sunday, May 26th as the warbirds that will
fly over the Indy 500 depart Indianapolis Regional Airport and head west
across town to the track.

B-29 "Fifi" giving the crowd a great photo
pass at WWII Weekend at Reading, PA on June 8, 2013.

Practice mass Merlin formation flight at
Hamilton, ONT on Friday evening, June 14, 2013.

B-29 "Fifi" taxiing back in from a flight as
passengers get ready to load on the one of the Army Aviation Heritage
Foundation's Hueys at the 2013 Dayton Airshow on June 22.

CAF Rednose P-51 doing a high speed pass
over the CAF SBD at Muncie, IN on July 28, 2013.

Dan Serrato's C-1A "Mudflap Girl" leads
Topeka Air's C-1A "Miss Belle" in a low pass at the Gathering of
Warbirds and Legends Warbird Event at Topeka KS on August 3, 2013.

B-17 "Aluminum Overcast" taking on from the
Purdue University Airport on Friday morning, August 9, 2013.

C-123K "Thunder Pig" gives the crowd a nice
pass at Thunder over Michigan on August 10, 2013.

Mike Shiffer takes off among the cornfields
at the Hillsdale, MI Airshow on August 24, 2013.

Ford Tri-Motor belonging to the Kalamazoo
Air Zoo on final approach at Marion, IN on August 31, 2013.

Vlado Lenoch making a low pass in the
Warbird Heritage Foundation's P-51 Mustang at the 2013 Waukegan Airshow
on September 7th, 2013.

SNJ low pass at Glendale Days at Kokomo, IN
on September 22, 2013.

Heritage /Legacy Flight at the Wings over
North Georgia Airshow in Rome, GA on October 19, 2013.

PV-2 Harpoon "Attu Warrior" making a
strafing run with Pyro at the Great Georgia Airshow on October 20, 2013.

B-17 "Texas Raiders" and a Tora replica Kate
fly past the exploding pyro at the 2014 Wings over Houston Airshow.

B-25s "Panchito", "Axis Nightmare", "Yankee
Warrior" and "Georgie's Girl" all do their engine run-ups at Grimes
Field in Urbana, OH in preparation for a practice flight over the Air
Force Museum and the last Doolittle Raiders memorial fly-over.

The memorial ceremony on November 9, 2013
was the last time the Doolittle Raiders will be seen at an event open to
the public. Here is one final photo of the Raiders as they leave
the ceremony.
Titusville (Tico), FL
NAS Key West, FL
Chino, CA
Indy 500 Fly-Over
Reading, PA WWII Weekend
CWH Show,
Hamilton, ONT
Dayton, OH
Muncie, IN
Topeka, KS
Purdue University, IN
Thunder over
Michigan, Belleville, MI
Hillsdale, MI
Marion, IN
Waukegan, IL
Glendale Airport, Kokomo,
IN Rome, GA
Peachtree City, GA
Houston, TX
Urbana, OH B-25 Gathering
B-25 Doolittle
Memorial Fly-over at Dayton, OH