2010 Airshows
Indianapolis, IN Metro Airport
Eglin AFB, Fl
Urbana, OH
B-25 Gathering
B-25 Fly-Over at
Doolittle Reunion, Dayton, OH
Chino, CA
Columbia, MO
Reading, PA
Indianapolis, IN
Kokomo, IN Anderson, IN
Rockford, IL
Ypsilanti, MI
Windsor, Ont
Marion, IN
Waynesville, OH
Waukegan, IL
Scott AFB, IL
Midland, TX There are many excellent
websites available that have air show photos available. However,
my research has shown that there are no other websites that are
dedicated to purely focusing on all of the warbirds at an aerial event,
as others will include civilian aerobatic and military aircraft or don't
do warbirds at all. This site documents all of the warbirds that
attend a show, fly-in, or open house with photos of each. This includes not only
the bombers and fighters that normally get photographed, but the
liaisons, trainers and transports also.
Epilogue for 2010:
In 2010 I was able to attend 19 different aviation events, ranging from
fly-ins to full blown airshows.
Also in 2010 I added one military base to my goal of seeing an airshow
at all of the Military Air Bases and Stations in the US.
It was Eglin AFB.

This is B-25 "Wild Cargo" taxiing in at
Urbana, OH at the end of the day on April 15, 2010 for the Gathering of
the B-25s. It was the last Mitchell in for the day

First Flight of UH-1H Huey 68-16563
on 3-6-2010 at Indianapolis, IN Metropolitan Airport.
Indianapolis, IN Metro Airport
Eglin AFB, Fl
Urbana, OH
B-25 Gathering
B-25 Fly-Over at
Doolittle Reunion, Dayton, OH
Chino, CA
Columbia, MO
Reading, PA
Indianapolis, IN
Kokomo, IN Anderson, IN
Rockford, IL
Ypsilanti, MI
Windsor, Ont
Marion, IN
Waynesville, OH
Waukegan, IL
Scott AFB, IL
Midland, TX