Tico-Titusville, FL Cincinnati
Lunken, OH Duxford, UK
Reading, PA
Akron, OH
Niagara Falls, ONT
Dayton, OH Willow
Run, MI
Lancaster, OH
Indianapolis, IN
Marion, IN
Youngstown, OH
Middletown, OH
Parkersburg, WV
El Paso, TX
Jacksonville, FL
Pensacola, FL
2008 Airshows There are many excellent
websites available that have air show photos available. However,
my research has shown that there are no other websites that are
dedicated to purely focusing on all of the warbirds at an aerial event,
as others will include civilian aerobatic and military aircraft.
This site documents all of the warbirds that attend a show, fly-in, or
open house with photos of each. This includes not only
the bombers and fighters that normally get photographed, but the
liaisons, trainers and transports also.
Epilogue for 2008:
In 2008 I managed to get to 17
airshows in 3 different countries which took place in all four seasons, as
the Tico Airshow was the last weekend of winter 2007-2008. Six of
the events were in Ohio and 3 were in Florida.
Also in 2008 I added three military bases to my goal of seeing an
airshow at all of the Military Air Bases and Stations in the US.
They were Youngstown ARB, Biggs Field (Fort Bliss) and NAS Pensacola .

Fighter Factory PBY-5A taking off at Wings
Over Akron with the Rubber Bowl and the city name in the background.

Lancaster, OH "Wings of Freedom 2008" Airshow
August 16-17, 2008

Spitfire Engine Start at Duxford Spring
Airshow May 18, 2008

Doug Matthews in his F4U-4 at the Tico Airshow
Tico-Titusville, FL Cincinnati
Lunken, OH Duxford, UK
Reading, PA
Akron, OH
Niagara Falls, ONT
Dayton, OH Willow
Run, MI
Lancaster, OH
Indianapolis, IN
Marion, IN
Youngstown, OH
Middletown, OH
Parkersburg, WV
El Paso, TX
Jacksonville, FL
Pensacola, FL