Former Featured Photos
Included on this
page are old photos we have featured on the home page in years past.
As we update the home page we still want to highlight what we consider to
be some of our better shots.

The world's only flying B-29, FiFi making her
airshow debut after a four year engine change and upgrade at the CAF
Midland Airsho 2010.

Avro Lancaster making a turn around for
another high speed pass at the Windsor International Air Show on August 22
with the Detroit Skyline in the background. The Lancaster is highly
maneuverable and is a lot more fun to watch at an air show than the B-17
or B-24. The pilots for the Canadian Warplane Heritage do a great job of
flying and putting on an impressive show. They really know how to make the
Lanc "Talk"!

Got it!! F-18 Super Hornet at Rockford
Airfest 2010.

Dan Dameo making a low pass in the American
Airpower Museum's P-40 on Saturday June, 5 2010 at the Mid Atlantic
Museum's WWII Weekend at Reading, PA. This was one of many great
warbirds at the event this year.

Twin P-38s at the 2010 Chino Air Show on May

Commemorative Air Force P-39 during Tora Tora
at the Eglin AFB Airshow on Sunday April 11, 2010.

Larry Kelly's B-25 "Panchito" doing a flyby
with the Akron Airdock and FG-1 Corsair final assembly building in the
background. Wings over Akron, June 14, 2008.

Dan McCue landing the Collins Corsair at the
NAS Jacksonville Airshow on October 26, 2008.

Blue Angel Number 7 at Indianapolis
International Airport on November 21, 2008.

Todd Green transferring from John Mohr's PT-17
to Otto the Helicopter - Pensacola Blue Angel Homecoming Air Show,
November 15, 2008.

Heritage Flight. Pensacola Blue Angel
Homecoming Air Show, November 15, 2008.

F-117A at Holloman AFB, Alamogordo AFB -
October 3, 2008 - This is the one of only three F-117A's on display as a gate guard in
the world. Another is in Blackbird Park in Palmdale, CA and one at
Lockheed Plant 10 also in Palmdale, CA. Check my California Gate
Guard page for photos of them.

The F-18 Super Hornet in a high speed vapor
pass at the Parkersburg, WV Air Show on September 28, 2008.

USS Theodore Roosevelt - CVN-71 July 26, 2008

USS Theodore Roosevelt - CVN-71 July 26, 2008

Canadian Warplane Heritage Avro Lancaster at Niagara Falls, Ontario Airshow June 15, 2008

P-51on take-off at the Tico Airshow March 15, 2008

F-100 at the Las Cruces, NM Airport January
26, 2008