Langley Air Force Base, VA
Ft. Campbell, KY
Reading, PA
Niagara Falls, Ontario
Selfridge ANGB, MI
Rantoul, IL
Lancaster, OH
Indianapolis, IN
Morris, IL
Terre Haute, IN
Gathering of Mustangs & Legends
Noblesville, IN
Greenwood, IN
2007 Airshows
There are many excellent
websites available that have air show photos available. However,
my research has shown that there are no other websites that are
dedicated to purely focusing on all of the warbirds at an aerial event,
as others will include civilian aerobatic and military aircraft.
This site documents all of the warbirds that attend a show, fly-in, or
open house with photos of each. This includes not only
the bombers and fighters that normally get photographed, but the
liaisons, trainers and transports also.
Epilogue for 2007:
In 2007 I was able to attend 13 different aviation events, ranging from
fly-ins to full blown airshows.
Also in 2007 I added three military bases to my goal of seeing an
airshow at all of the Military Air Bases and Stations in the US.
They were Langley AFB, Ft. Campbell and Selfridge ANGB.

F-22 with (2) P-51Ds and (1) P-51C - Gathering
of Mustangs and Legends
Langley Air Force Base, VA
Ft. Campbell, KY
Reading, PA
Niagara Falls, Ontario
Selfridge ANGB, MI
Rantoul, IL
Lancaster, OH
Indianapolis, IN
Morris, IL
Terre Haute, IN
Gathering of Mustangs & Legends
Noblesville, IN
Greenwood, IN