2014 Airshows
Titusville (Tico), FL
Spirit of St. Louis, MO
Youngstown Air Reserve
Station, OH
Indiana Warbird Event Trilogy
Evansville Normandy Re-Enactment, IN
Dayton Airshow, OH
Thunder over
Michigan, Belleville, MI
Warsaw, IN
Richmond, IN
WWI Dawn Patrol
Rendezvous, Dayton, OH
Epilogue for 2014:
In 2013 I was able to attend 12 different aviation events, which is the
fewest I have ever done for a season since I started this webpage in
2007. But among the dozen events were nine new shows, airport open
houses or B-17 tour stops. Six of the events were in the state of
Indiana and in 2014 there were three stops during the year by touring
B-17s that I was able to attend in the state.
Also in 2014 I added one more military base
to my goal of seeing an airshow at all of the Military Air Bases and
Stations in the US.
That was Thunder over the Valley at the Youngstown Air Reserve Station
in Ohio.
There are many excellent
websites available that have air show photos available. However,
my research has shown that there are no other websites that are
dedicated to purely focusing on all of the warbirds at an aerial event,
as others will include civilian aerobatic and military aircraft or don't
do warbirds at all. This site documents all of the warbirds that
attend a show, fly-in, or open house with photos of each. This includes not only
the bombers and fighters that normally get photographed, but the
liaisons, trainers and transports also.

The first flag jump of the 2014 Airshow season by the Lead Dogs at the
Tico Airshow.

The F-104 taxies past the crowd at Tico.

Enthusiasm for the B-17 spans generations as granddaughter and
grandfather, among others, watch B-17G "Aluminum Overcast" taxi out for
its flying portion at the Spirit of St. Louis Airshow in Chesterfield,

B-17 "Yankee Lady" with the iconic water
tower that has become the symbol of the Youngstown Air Reserve Station
in Ohio. Photographed at the Thunder over the Valley Airshow put
on by the Air Station on May 18, 2014.

B-17 "Aluminum Overcast" landing at Mt.
Comfort on Saturday, May 31, 2014 at the Indianapolis Regional Airport
during the AOPA Regional Fly-in.

The Tom Wood Aviation F8F Bearcat on display
during the Indiana Wing, CAF, Warbird Expo on

IASAR Huey and B-17 "Sentimental
Journey at the Columbus, IN Airport Day, June 7, 2014.

Evansville built Thunderbolts flying over LST-325 at the Evansville
ShrinersFest 2014.

The Wright B Flyer replica over-flies the
Warbird Heritage Foundation's F-86 at the 2014 Dayton Airshow.

A high speed pass by the C-54 "Spirit of
Freedom" at the Warsaw, IN 2014 Airshow.

Thunder over Michigan 2014over the crowd
fly-by of B-17, P-38, P-47 and two P-51s.

B-17G "Aluminum Overcast" does a fly-over at the Richmond, IN
Airport on September 10, 2014. This is the third time in 2014 that
I had seen the aircraft at an event during the year.

Titusville (Tico), FL
Spirit of St. Louis, MO
Youngstown Air Reserve
Station, OH
Indiana Warbird Event Trilogy
Evansville Normandy Re-Enactment, IN
Dayton Airshow, OH
Thunder over
Michigan, Belleville, MI
Warsaw, IN
Richmond, IN
WWI Dawn Patrol
Rendezvous, Dayton, OH