2014 Airshows
Titusville (Tico), FL
Spirit of St. Louis, MO
Youngstown Air Reserve
Station, OH
Indiana Warbird Event Trilogy
Evansville Normandy Re-Enactment, IN
Dayton Airshow, OH
Thunder over Michigan, Belleville,
Warsaw, IN
Richmond, IN
WWI Dawn Patrol
Rendezvous, Dayton, OH
Thunder over Michigan Warbird
Photo Review
Warbirds at Willow Run Airport,
Belleville, MI - August 9-10, 2014
This year I attended Thunder Over Michigan for
both days, Saturday with my son and son-in-law, and then on Sunday by
myself. As much as there was at the show to see in 2014, and the
fact that the weather was perfect for the event, it was well worth the
long drive back up and home again in the evening each day. After returning
home on Sunday, I realized the distance I traveled the two days to the
show if put into one trip would have taken me to Jacksonville, FL.
As with all Thunder over Michigan shows, there
were a considerable amount of warbirds both flying and on static
display. Saturday I did not really have the opportunity to spend
the time I wanted looking at the static aircraft and other displays
because the first of two daily WWII battles started at 10:30 each
morning. Saturday I watched the morning battle and Sunday I spent the time looking at aircraft
and military displays instead.
One significant event for the Yankee Air
Museum in 2014 that produces the airshow of long range historical
significance was the purchase of a portion of the former Ford B-24
bomber plant for the location of its museum. This has been an
endeavor the organization has been working on for several years once it
became known the vacant plant was going to be razed for re-development.
The "Bomber Plant" as it is known to the locals, was actually one of
literally thousands of new plants and plant additions the US Government
loaned the money for to produce war goods during WWII. This
happened for several reasons. First, the US with the rest of the
world was just coming out of the Great Depression in 1940 when it was
realized that construction of new facilities would be needed to prepare
for the threat of war. Also, businesses were not willing take on a
loan for buildings and equipment that it would only need for the
duration of the war and would not be needed by the company afterwards.
And even if the company did want to take out the loan, the banks would
not loan the money, for the same reasons. So the US Government
loaned Ford and other companies in the country the funds to construct
the needed buildings and procure the needed tooling and equipment.
It was the taxpayer and the workers buying savings bonds and the
children in schools buying stamps that became saving bonds that financed
the winning of the war. Then at the end of WWII, the buildings became the property
War Assets Administration, which then sold the buildings and equipment.
Many companies chose to purchase the buildings they has used during the
war for post war civilian production.
Ford did not purchase the Willow Run Bomber
Plant after WWII although it did purchase the plant at the River Rouge
Complex that built R-2800 aircraft engines. In 1947 the Kaiser-Frazer Corporation purchased
the used plant for automotive production and then during Korea built
also C-119s in the facility. This lasted until 1953 when
Kaiser-Frazer moved out. Then General Motors moved in and made
automatic transmissions in the plant until 2010. Over 70 years old
and too large for today's manufacturing businesses, the building was
scheduled to be torn down. The Yankee Air Museum after a several
year fund raising campaign in 2014 acquired enough funds to secure a
portion of the historic plant for its museum.

The Willow Run Ford plant as seen from the
crowd line at Thunder over Michigan 2014 where the progress of the
demolition can be seen. It is my understanding that the Yankee Air
Museum is obtaining the section with the two hangar doors. This is
an outstanding accomplishment on the part of the YAF and I commend the
organization for its persistence in raising the funding to save a
section of this historical building for posterity.
During the show there was considerable
time to spent by the announcing team talking about the importance of the
Bomber Plant during WWII. This was all well and good but my recent
research into the US auto industry in WWII has found that while the
Willow Run Bomber Plant was important, its significance has over
shadowed not only many other important war products produced by Ford,
but the other eleven US auto companies that were also producing material for final victory. Many of those products were at the show
and many of them were built in the local Detroit area.

Solid Detroit! Even before entering
the flight line, I found examples of Detroit's contribution to the war.
This WC series 1/2 truck was one of over 404,000 trucks Dodge built for
the US military between 1940 and 1945. All were built in the Motor
City and are the predecessors to today's Ram trucks.

Here is another example of Dodge's early
contribution to the war effort. Trucks like this WC-12 1/2 pickup,
of which 6,047 were built in 1941, better represent the
contribution of the auto industry's to winning World War Two than the
B-24's that came off the assembly line across the field in the Bomber
Plant. One contemporary author has erroneously re-labeled "Motor
City" as "Bomber City" in order so sell his new book. This is
total and unadulterated bull.
Willow Run is 30 miles from downtown Detroit
and was nothing but farmland 70 years ago and produced only a small
percentage of the automotive industry's total war output.
Lest one think that the only military product
that Chrysler manufactured during WWII was Dodge trucks, the company
produced a diverse product line including R-3350 engines for the B-29
program and 1,000 railcars of nickel plated steel tubing for the
separation of U235 from U238 for the Manhattan Project. Without
the tubing the Manhattan Project would not have produced the needed
U-235 needed for Fat Man and the feeder uranium needed for the plutonium

T-6s, SNJs, and Harvards await the formation fly-bys later in the day.
This photos of the long line of North American trainers gives some
indication of the huge ramp that is available for the show. During
WWII this was the ramp of the Willow Run Army Air Force Base.
Six of the hydraulic cylinders that opened
and closed the gear doors, and raised and lowered the landing gears on
the Texans were built by the Frigidaire Division of GM in Dayton, OH.
Frigidaire had four plants in Dayton producing products for the military
during WWII, two of them built specifically for the war effort.
General Motors, the largest military contractor in the US during WWII,
had 38 Divisions with over 100 plants turning out much needed war
material and was the largest military contractor during WWII.

This is a first for any airshow I have been to, an Aero Union P-3 air
tanker on display. One would not expect this so far east and
was a rare warbird on display for the event.

A few of the many statics on display including the rare Temco TT-1 Super
Pinto with Dave Rothenanger's T-34 in the foreground. With the
large ramp area there is lots of room for static displays.

This DeHavilland Vampire, along with Super Pinto are owned by the World
Heritage Air Museum in Detroit. I was disappointed that neither of
them flew in the show, as I have never seen a Super Pinto fly, and it has
been a long time since I have seen a Vampire in flight.

More of the statics on display.

The Bell P-63 is from the Legacy Flight Museum in Rexburg, ID and
performed an aerobatic routine later in the show. This was a first
for me and the crowd at Thunder, as to my knowledge, a P-63 has not gone
aerobatic in recent times.

Four different GM Divisions provided
components for the Bell P-63 in WWII. As can be seen here the four
bladed prop was produced by the Aeroproducts Division in Dayton, OH, the
gear reducer by Cadillac in Detroit, MI, the V-1710 engine by Allison in
Indianapolis, IN and the 37 mm cannon by Oldsmobile in Lansing Michigan.

Its always good to see a P-38 and a show and see her flying as was the
case at Thunder 2014.
Aviation enthusiasts are well aware that the
Allison Division of GM provided the V-1710 engines for the Lockheed
Lightning, but are unaware that Oldsmobile provided 20mm cannons for the
aircraft and the Harrison Radiator Division of GM supplied radiators
,oil coolers and
intercoolers. Three GM divisions, AC Sparkplug in Flint, MI,
Brown-Lipe-Chapin in Syracuse, NY and Frigidaire all produced the
aviation version of the .50 M2 machine gun, which would have been used
not only on the P-38, but every other warplane used by the US in WWII.
Cadillac supplied 175 parts for the Allison engine while the Delco-Remy
Division of GM furnished all of the major castings.

This year there were two Eastern Aircraft TBMs on the field but
unfortunately neither was part of the flying program, which was a shame
as they would have added a lot to the show.
Eastern aircraft was a Division of General
Motors that was created specifically from five of its east coast plants
to produce not only the TBM torpedo bomber but the FM-1 and FM-2 Wildcat
fighters. If the war had continued, planning was in place for
Eastern to produce the F8F Bearcat as the FM-3. The Division was dissolved at
the end of the war and the plants returned to building autos and trucks.
Pontiac Motor Division of GM in Pontiac built aerial
torpedoes that the TBM would have carried, and car manufacturer
Graham-Paige in Detroit machined components for the torpedoes.

This particular TBM carried rockets and an added camera, in addition to
the normal gun camera, that can be seen in the leading edge of the wing.

This is an "Aircraft Torpedo Camera" which would activate with the
launching of the torpedo, rather than be activated by the firing of the
guns. This is the first time I have ever seen one of these.

P-47 "Jacky's Revenge" looked real good sitting
on the ramp.
Both Ford and Chevrolet supplied the R-2800
engine for the P-47, while the Harrison Radiator Division of GM provided
intercoolers for the aircraft during WWII. Frigidaire Division of
GM provided the big four bladed props.

It was great to see P-51 "Lil Margaret" at
the show.
Most warbird enthusiasts are well aware
that the Mustang became the fighter it was when powered by the Packard
built Rolls-Royce V-1650 Merlin engines, built on East Grand Boulevard
in downtown Detroit. But they may not be aware that Buick cast the
cylinder blocks or that Graham-Paige machined parts for the engine.
They may also not be aware that Henry Ford was originally approached to
build the engine and refused, as he did not want to work with a foreign
company and country. But Ford did go on to build 57,851 R-2800
engines at the River Rouge, which was several thousand more engines than
Packard built of the Merlins. Chrysler also refused the work but
that was because it did not want to commit the engineering resources to
converting British drawings and specifications to American ones.

Also on display and part of the flying
display later was "Goodtime Gal", a Lockheed C-60 operated by the West
Houston Wing of the CAF. It was good to see her at Thunder.

There was a good crowd around B-24 "Diamond
Lil". This was the second time for the season I had seen her at an
Buick was the primary source for Pratt &
Whitney R-1830 engines for the B-24 program during WWII, along with
Chevrolet that also supplied the engine. The Delco-Products
Division of GM supplied the landing gear assemblies for the B-24s and
both Frigidaire Division of GM and Nash-Kelvinator manufactured the
three bladed propellers. The Nash-Kelvinator plant was in Lansing,
MI, not far from where I grew up. My Grandfather was a foreman in
the plant in charge of balancing the blades.

B-25 "Briefing Time", owned and operated by
the Mid-Atlantic Air Museum, is always at Thunder and is a fine example
of a B-25J built by North American Aircraft at Fairfax, KS.
When the Fairfax plant opened up the Fisher
Body Davison of GM supplied 55% of the content that went into the B-25s
built there which included wings, fuselages, tail assemblies, exhaust
collectors along with forgings, castings and machined parts.
Fisher Body supplied Fairfax from its opening in 1941 through June of
1945. Ten Fisher Body plants were involved in this endeavor.
One of the Fisher Body plants was also in Lansing, MI, where my mother
worked during the war.

I always take time to be available to watch land battle in the morning
which until this year has always had either P-51s or P-47s making low
passes in support of the American troops. Not this year, which
resulted in what I thought was rather a ho-hum show, as the low flying
fighters add to the excitement of the event. I watched it on
Saturday but did not pay any attention to the morning battle on Sunday.
The Cadillac Division of GM in Detroit, MI
was one of the producers of of M5 Stuart tanks. Each M5 had
two Cadillac V-8 engines paired with Hydra-Matic transmissions built by
the Detroit Transmission Division. After Kaiser Frazer moved out
of the Willow Run Bomber plant across the field, the Hydra-Matic
Division, which was the renamed Detroit Transmission Division from WWII,
moved into the Bomber plant and stayed for over 55 years, producing
millions of transmissions in the facility.

Here the M5 Stuarts long with infantry prepare for the upcoming mock

Cadillac built M5 Stuart tanks were a small part of the 56,901
M3, M4, M5, M10, M18, M26, and M36 tanks and tank destroyers built by
not only Cadillac, but Buick Division of GM, Chrysler, Fisher Body
Division of GM, and Ford. This is another reason the proper
moniker for Detroit is "Motor City".

Also at the show was this GMC CCKW-152 2/1/2 ton 6x6 truck, the
workhorse of the US Army transportation in WWII. 528,829 of the 2-1/2
ton 6x6 trucks were built by both GMC and Chevrolet during the war, with the vast
majority by GMC in nearby Pontiac, MI.
In the quotation below from Dwight D
Eisenhower's book, Crusade in Europe, the General speaks of of
the importance of the 2-1/2 ton truck. "Incidentally, four other pieces
of equipment that most senior officers came to regarded as among the
most vital to our success in Africa and Europe were the bulldozer, the
jeep, the 2-1/2 ton truck, and the C-47. Curiously enough, none of
these is designed for combat."
In a previous portion of the book, General
Eisenhower spent a page explaining how the emergency shipment of 5,400
2-1/2 ton trucks to the battle front in North Africa was vitally
important to winning that campaign.

Dodge supplied the vast majority of 4x4 ambulances for the US military
during WWII, in both 1/2 ton, like this WC27.
Six auto companies built trucks for the war
effort from 1940 to 1945: Chevrolet, Dodge, Ford, GMC, Studebaker,
and Willys-Overland built 2,258,854 trucks ranging in capacity from the
1/4 Jeep to 3 tons. True Motor City!!

The airshow started with all of the T-6s doing mass formation fly-bys.

Next up was Paul Wood in the Warbird Heritage Foundation's F-86.
We were treated to several low, high speed passes by Paul, which is the
norm for the F-86 routine at Thunder.

Right behind the F-86 came the P-51 demonstration.

One change at Thunder for 2014 was the
having the Sky Soldier Huey and Cobra rides stage out of the south end
of the field, instead of the north end as in 2013. This was, like
most things, a double edged sword. On the good side there was
always flight movement to watch and listen to close by where we were
sitting as the UH-1s and AH-1s operated most of the day. But on
the other hand, it did take away from the already small fence line for
the crowd at the south end.

The AH-1 flies over the T-6s as they await to be towed back on to the
static ramp.

Up until 2014 the ramp that contained all of the flying aircraft was
sterilized during the flying and the crowd kept behind a fence.
One could go to the fence and enjoy all of the great warbirds start and
taxi. Not in 2014. All the warbirds were towed out to the
taxiway far from the crowd for starting. Another take-away for the
spectator and warbird enthusiast at Thunder in 2014.

Even though there were warbirds flying for most of the show, the most
exciting portion of the event was a 25 minute sequence each day that
started with this five ship formation of B-17 and four fighters.

The Sky Soldiers continued to do helicopter rides during the show, with
the exception of when the Thunderbirds flew. Here a Huey flies
back in for a landing at a pre-briefed low attitude while the warbird
formation flies at a pre-arranged higher altitude. I believe this
is the first time I have seen it done in this manner. Typically
race track patterns fly away from the crowd, not behind the crowd as
shown here. With a pattern away from the crowd, there is no need
for altitude separation between flying aircraft and the helicopters
giving rides.

An over the crowd formation fly-by before the aircraft break for
individual passes.

On Sunday only, the C-54 took off and joined in the individual show
passes. This was a pleasant surprise in that this is the first
time I have ever seen "The Spirit of Freedom" fly a show, as she is
normally static only.

The P-38 down low with the C-47 "Yankee Doodle Dandy" turning inbound in
the background. What makes this particular portion of the show
unique to Thunder over Michigan, is there are actually two groups of
aircraft flying simultaneously. The faster fighters in this photo
are on the inner pattern which does a race track behind the crowd and
the slower bombers and transports fly a pattern farther from the crown with the race
track pattern away from the crowd.

With the dual pattern this allows two aircraft to fly in parallel to
each other and be in front of the crowd at the same time. The dual
pattern fly-bys compensates for some of the disadvantages of the Willow
Run Airport presents to the airshow organizers. First, there is
only a soy bean field directly in front of the crowd and no taxiway to
allow aircraft to taxi in front of the crowd for photos and allow the
spectators to hear the sounds of aircraft engines. Also, the
runways are at 45 degree angles to the crowd and prevailing winds
typically have the aircraft take off away from the crowd. Warbird
take-offs are an exciting part of any airshow.
So the excitement of the take-off is lost here. So in essence
Thunder only has two things going for it; the great and varied
collection of warbirds that it showcases each year, and
this dual racetrack pattern.
Otherwise, Thunder becomes just an another airshow.
And yes, in
2014 Thunder did have the USAF Thunderbirds, which I did not stay to see
either day, but from all reports was pretty much a non event due to lack
of enthusiasm in the Thunderbird's flying and the fact the show was so
far away from the crowd. When all is said and done, a US military
jet team costs a show $50,000 plus. For what the organizers and
spectators got out of that added cost, the money could have been better spent
on warbirds.
Or used for the purchase of the B-24 plant across the field.

Here B-25 "Briefing Time" starts across the field with B-17 "Yankee
Lady" fight behind her.

"Yankee Lady" gave us some really nice low passes after not flying in the
show at all in 2013.

The Hudson flew, which was great to see.

C-47 "Yankee Doodle Dandy."
Chevrolet Division of GM built R-1830s for
the C-47 and C-53. Frigidaire Division built propellers for the

The C-47 and C-60 in trail.

Here the P-38 and B-25 fly in parallel on
their separate racetracks.

And then the P-38 breaks to fly behind the
crowd as the B-25 turns away from the crowd.

P-51 "Hell er Bust" gives the crowd a low

Studebaker built R-1820 engines in South Bend, IN for the B-17
program while Chrysler built cockpit enclosures for the Flying Fortress
at its Los Angeles, CA plant. Both Lockheed-Vega and Douglas built B-17s
in the LA area, which no doubt is where the Chrysler cockpit enclosures
went. "Yankee Lady" is a Lockheed-Vega built B-17. I wonder
if she has a Chrysler cockpit enclosure as part of her airframe?
Allison, Buick, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Ford,
Nash-Kelvinator, Packard and Studebaker produced 352,259 aircraft
engines during the war. Maybe that's why Detroit is properly called Motor

Here the B-25D, "Yankee Warrior", sets up for a high, low speed pass.
The cement plant has become an unwelcome fixture at the airshow for
several years, preventing an unobstructed view of the aircraft and
taking away from an already small spectator line. The plant is on site as all of the
runways are being repaved in a multiyear plan. One of the reasons
the Thunderbirds would not fly in front of the crowd is this obstacle.
But it hasn't been a problem for the rest of the aircraft at the show
over the past couple of years.

Finishing out the warbird sequence at Thunder 2014 was John Bagley doing
an aerobatic demonstration in the Legacy of Flight's Bell P-63 King

After the P-63 demonstration I left on both days. On
Sunday, I stopped at an automotive museum in Ypsilanti to the west of
the airport. Walking to my vehicle after the visit, the
Thunderbirds flew over downtown Ypsilanti several times as they were
setting up for their next pass at the show. From what I have
heard, I may have had a better view of the Thunderbirds than those at
the show. Hopefully Thunder 2015 will have a warbird and Blue
Angel show that is more spectator friendly than was 2014.
For more information on the US Automobile
Industry's contribution to victory in WWI, please visit:
US Auto
Industry in WWII
Titusville (Tico), FL
Spirit of St. Louis, MO
Youngstown Air Reserve
Station, OH
Indiana Warbird Event Trilogy
Evansville Normandy Re-Enactment, IN
Dayton Airshow, OH
Thunder over Michigan, Belleville,
Warsaw, IN
Richmond, IN
WWI Dawn Patrol
Rendezvous, Dayton, OH