Tico-Titusville, FL Cincinnati
Lunken, OH Duxford, UK
Reading, PA
Akron, OH
Niagara Falls, ONT
Dayton, OH Willow
Run, MI
Lancaster, OH
Indianapolis, IN
Marion, IN
Youngstown, OH
Middletown, OH
Parkersburg, WV
El Paso, TX
Jacksonville, FL
Pensacola, FL
Thunder over Michigan, Willow Run
Run Airport 2008
August 9-10, 2008 (Photos
taken Saturday, August 9)
This annual event is one
of the premier warbird shows in the country, and may be the best east of
the Mississippi river. Each year there is a theme warbird in which
the organizers specialize in one type of aircraft, and strive to bring in
as many as possible. For 2008 the Republic P-47 Thunderbolt was the
target aircraft and a total of four out of the original seven planned were
able to attend. Along with the P-47s were plenty of other great
warbirds on both static and flying display. Several years ago
re-enactors were invited and twice a day the WWII forces of the US and
Germany meet again for a half hour battle in a bean field on the airport

During the morning battle, the German forces
had support from this one ME-109.

Stewarts moving up!

Supporting fire from the M-4 Shermans. They were built about 20
miles away in Warren, MI.

The B-17 Yankee Lady made a pass over the bean field after returning from
giving rides.

This North American T-2 was to fly with
the F-18 as part of a Legacy Flight. However, when the Hornet lost
an engine in a double Immelman, the Buckeye stepped in and did some great

Prior to the afternoon battle, two C-47s set up for a parachute drop.

Jumpers away.

Once the troopers landed, they made their way to the bean field and
participated in the afternoon skirmish.

The four Thunderbolts provided close air support for the American forces.

With the assistance of the P-47s, the Americans won the afternoon battle.
They lost in the morning.

Good photos are luck, being in the proper place, and having the wind out
of the proper direction for landing.

Heritage Flight.

The bomber flight was last in the show on

Will Ward also had his Mig-17 from Ann Arbor,

Dave Tinker from Monroe, MI taxies back in with his TBM.

Two FM-2s taxi back in.

The Collings B-24 taxies out.

The B-17 Yankee Lady taxies out.

Yankee Air Museum B-25D Yankee Warrior in a
fly by.

CAF B-24A.

Tico-Titusville, FL Cincinnati
Lunken, OH Duxford, UK
Reading, PA
Akron, OH
Niagara Falls, ONT
Dayton, OH Willow
Run, MI
Lancaster, OH
Indianapolis, IN
Marion, IN
Youngstown, OH
Middletown, OH
Parkersburg, WV
El Paso, TX
Jacksonville, FL
Pensacola, FL