Tico-Titusville, FL Cincinnati
Lunken, OH Duxford, UK
Reading, PA
Akron, OH
Niagara Falls, ONT
Dayton, OH Willow
Run, MI
Lancaster, OH
Indianapolis, IN
Marion, IN
Youngstown, OH
Middletown, OH
Parkersburg, WV
El Paso, TX
Jacksonville, FL
Pensacola, FL
El Paso, Texas Amigo Airsho 2008
October 4-5, 2008 (Photos
taken Sunday October 5)
I was able to work this
show in at the tail end of a a business trip that took me to El Paso and
neighboring Juarez, Mexico, along with a visit to the Trinity Site at
White Sands and Lincoln County, New Mexico on Saturday, October 4.
This was the 27th annual Amigo Air Show which is held at
Biggs Field, which is part of Ft. Bliss. Up until this year the show
was held on the ramp area, but due to construction at the base which
includes bringing in over 100 helicopters, the show was held at the north
end of the main taxiway. Traditional warbirds were rare at the
show with one T-6 and a Staggerwing doing fly-bys late in the show, even
though the event advertised both a Navy Legacy Flight and an Air Force
Heritage Flight. Neither of them happened on Sunday and I did not
see any warbirds on the active ramp when I was bussed out (The parking lot
was a half hour bus ride away.) that could have done either.
However, I did find some Vietnam era US Army helicopters that are now in
service with the US Customs and Border Patrol on display and flying in the
show, along with some former Russian Helicopters that the US Army had on

This UH-1H, 68-15754 was purchased by the US
Army in July of 1969 and then served in Vietnam until January of 1972.
On March 16, 1970 it was involved in a crash landing due to engine failure
that resulted in the skids being ripped off and the main rotor flexing
down and severing the tail rotor drive shaft. After returning to the
US, 68-15754 served in Alaska, and is now operated by the US Customs and
Border Patrol at El Paso. This is one of three that the unit has.

OH-6 68-17348 is registered
as on OH-6 but in 1982 was converted by Hughes Helicopter to the MH-6B
configuration which was used
by Special Forces for surveillance activities, which would make it an
excellent platform for use by the US Customs and Border Patrol in
patrolling the the US-Mexican border. On one my trips back across the
bridge into El Paso, TX from Juarez, Mexico 68-17348 flew over me
patrolling along the Rio Grande River.

The lone T-6 Texan and traditional warbird at the show.

This Beech Staggerwing was built in 1943 so it should have some sort of
military history.

The Staggerwing and T-6 flying formation.

This Russian Hip was displayed by the US Army
from Fort Bliss.

Texan Fly-by.
Arranging the ladder at the Hind so the crowd can get in the cockpit.

White Sands Missile Range had one of its UH-1s on display.

The Hind was very popular aircraft to tour. The US Army had several
others at Biggs Field.

There is some serious firepower here.

The US Air Force still uses the venerable Huey for stateside service due
to cost.

The second of two Border Patrol UH-1s at the show.
69-15533 was involved in a
suspicious vehicle scenario.
Tico-Titusville, FL Cincinnati
Lunken, OH Duxford, UK
Reading, PA
Akron, OH
Niagara Falls, ONT
Dayton, OH Willow
Run, MI
Lancaster, OH
Indianapolis, IN
Marion, IN
Youngstown, OH
Middletown, OH
Parkersburg, WV
El Paso, TX
Jacksonville, FL
Pensacola, FL