2010 Airshows
Indianapolis, IN Metro Airport
Eglin AFB, Fl Urbana, OH
B-25 Gathering
B-25 Fly-Over at
Doolittle Reunion, Dayton, OH
Chino, CA
Columbia, MO
Reading, PA
Indianapolis, IN
Kokomo, IN Anderson, IN
Rockford, IL
Ypsilanti, MI
Windsor, Ont
Marion, IN
Waynesville, OH
Waukegan, IL
Scott AFB, IL
Midland, TX
OH B-25 Gathering
April 15-16, 2010
Seventeen B-25s gathered
at Urbana, OH to participate in the mass fly over at the US Air Force
Museum in Dayton on April 18 in honor of the Doolittle Reunion at that

Yankee Warrior is operated by the Yankee
Air Force at Willow Run, MI.

Show Me! from the Missouri Wing in St. Louis of the
Commemorative Air Force touching down.

Pacific Prowler landing after doing passenger rides. Jim Terry from
Ft. Worth, TX owns this great looking B-25.
Made in the Shade landing on Thursday afternoon. This B-25 is operated by
the Arizona Wing of the Commemorative Air Force.

Pacific Princess came all the way from California.

Pacific Princess is owned and operated by Aero Trader
of Ocotillo Wells, CA.

Miss Hap is General Hap Arnold's former
aircraft and is currently owned and operated by the American Airpower
Museum in Farmingdale, NY.

Axis Nightmare, owned by the Tri-State Warbird
Museum in Batavia, OH.

Take Off Time dwarfs the Cessna that is
considerably closer to the photographer than the B-25 as she taxies in
from the end of the runway at Grimes Field in Urbana.

Tom Duffy from Philadelphia, PA brought in
Take Off Time.

The Devil Dog Squadron of the Commemorative
Air Force flew Devil Dog to Urbana from Georgetown, TX.

The Yellow Rose Squadron of the Commemorative
Air Force flew Yellow Rose in from San Marcos, TX.

Betty's Dream is owned by C&P Aviation in
Anoka, MN.

Lady Luck is also owned by C&P Aviation in
Anoka, MN.

Miss Mitchell came from St. Paul, MN and is
operated by the Southern Minnesota Wing of the Commemorative Air Force.

Wild Cargo is owned and operated by The
Fighter Factory in Virginia Beach, VA.

Panchito is owned by Larry Kelly out of
Georgetown, DE. Larry organized the gathering of the B-25s for the
Doolittle Fly-Over and getting 17 Mitchell bombers to participate.

Briefing Time is owned by the Mid Atlantic Air
Museum in Reading, PA.

Barbie III taxies in late in Friday afternoon as the weather starts to
close in for the day. She was the last and 17th B-25 to arrive.
She is owned by The History Flight of Marathon, FL.

Indianapolis, IN Metro Airport
Eglin AFB, Fl Urbana, OH
B-25 Gathering
B-25 Fly-Over at
Doolittle Reunion, Dayton, OH
Chino, CA
Columbia, MO
Reading, PA
Indianapolis, IN
Kokomo, IN Anderson, IN
Rockford, IL
Ypsilanti, MI
Windsor, Ont
Marion, IN
Waynesville, OH
Waukegan, IL
Scott AFB, IL
Midland, TX |