2013 Airshows
Titusville (Tico), FL
NAS Key West, FL
Chino, CA
Indy 500 Fly-Over
Reading, PA WWII Weekend
CWH Show,
Hamilton, ONT
Dayton, OH
Muncie, IN
Topeka, KS
Purdue University, IN
Thunder over
Michigan, Belleville, MI
Hillsdale, MI
Marion, IN
Waukegan, IL
Glendale Airport, Kokomo,
IN Rome, GA
Peachtree City, GA
Houston, TX
Urbana, OH B-25 Gathering
B-25 Doolittle Memorial
Fly-over at Dayton, OH
Urbana 2013 B-25 Warbird
Gathering Photo Review
Warbirds at Grimes Field, Urbana, OH
- November 8-9, 2013 Photos taken Friday, November 8, 2013.
Again on this November weekend B-25s staged
out of Grimes Field in Urbana, OH for Doolittle Raiders memorial fly-bys
at the Air Force Museum in Dayton, OH, just as they had done previously
in 2010 and 2012. I was lucky enough to be able to attend all
three events over the years.

Five B-25s participated in 2013 for the fly-bys. "Georgie's Gal"
was one of the participants.

So was "Axis Nightmare".

"Panchito" has participated all three years and was the lead ship.

Engine start for a practice run on Friday over the Museum.

Here "Axis Nightmare", "Yankee Warrior" and "Panchito" warm up their

This time of year it is spring in the southern hemisphere which means
the sun is low in the sky here. The sun is pretty much right
behind the four B-25s in this photo that have all taken the runway at
same time to do their run-ups. The sound of the four Mitchells all
running up their engines at the same time was impressive.
Take-offs were at 30 second intervals.

"Panchito" lifting off.

Next off was "Georgie's Girl". The nice thing about being at
Grimes on Friday was security was lax. Actually it was
non-existent and several of us wandered out to the runway to take

Third in the air was "Axis Nightmare".

Last off was "Yankee Warrior".

While the other four B-25s were doing their practice run "Miss Hap"

There was a crosswind on Friday that shifted somewhat allowing the
returning B-25s to land from the north.

"Yankee Warrior" taxiing back in.
Saturday the five B-25's would launch just
before 2PM for the Missing Man formation they would fly for the final
Doolittle Raider memorial.
Titusville (Tico), FL
NAS Key West, FL
Chino, CA
Indy 500 Fly-Over
Reading, PA WWII Weekend
CWH Show,
Hamilton, ONT
Dayton, OH
Muncie, IN
Topeka, KS
Purdue University, IN
Thunder over
Michigan, Belleville, MI
Hillsdale, MI
Marion, IN
Waukegan, IL
Glendale Airport, Kokomo,
IN Rome, GA
Peachtree City, GA
Houston, TX
Urbana, OH B-25 Gathering
B-25 Doolittle Memorial
Fly-over at Dayton, OH