2012 Airshows
Titusville (Tico), FL
NAS Key West, FL
Chino, CA
Indy 500 Fly-Over
Reading, PA WWII Weekend
CWH Show,
Hamilton, ONT
Dayton, OH
Muncie, IN
Topeka, KS
Purdue University, IN
Thunder over
Michigan, Belleville, MI
Hillsdale, MI
Marion, IN
Waukegan, IL
Glendale Airport, Kokomo,
IN Rome, GA
Peachtree City, GA
Houston, TX
Urbana, OH B-25 Gathering
B-25 Doolittle Memorial
Fly-over at Dayton, OH
Indianapolis 500 Warbird
Photo Review
Warbirds at The Indianapolis Regional Airport,
Greenfield, IN - May 26, 2013
Sometimes the unadvertised but obvious gathering of warbirds works
out really well. In this case it was pretty much common knowledge
and advertised that one B-25 and (5) T-6's were going to do the fly-over at the
opening of the Indianapolis 500, as this had been in the paper and on
the websites of the local TV stations. What was not advertised was
at which airport they would be operating out of as the aircraft were
coming from the Cincinnati, OH area. A quick email to one of the
pilots determined they would be arriving at the Indianapolis Regional
Airport on Sunday morning, which was ideal for me as I have spent a lot
of time out there over the past 31 years. I arrived just as the
first of the T-6's were breaking to land at 9 AM..

The aircraft landed before I could get to a
better position to photograph the landing. This was the number two
aircraft to land.

Number three to land.

This T-6 had landed before I could get
across the airport and get set up for the landing photo. During
the day the background color varied from dark gray to light gray, but
always gray!

B-25 "Axis Nightmare" from the Tri-State Warbird Museum at Batavia, OH
passes over the threshold of runway 25 at the Indianapolis Regional
Airport upon her arrival.

Moving down a dirt road I was able to catch the last two Texan's as they
landed on runway 16.

T-6 pilots were Todd Winemiller, Ralph Lutz, Don Stamp, Chuck Marshall
and John Filbury.

The B-25 had Paul Redlich and Phillip Roundtree as the flight crew
with Jim Stitt aboard as mission coordinator. Here "Axis
Nightmare" fires up the number two engine. The surprising
thing is that there were only two of us that showed up as we had
figured there would be a at least a dozen or more hardcore warbird
enthusiasts out here for this. But the up side is that it was
quiet and all we could hear was the sounds of round engines when they
fired up. In the case of the B-25 we could hear the fuel pump on
the number two engine previous to the start above.

11:36 B-25 take-off to arrive at the 500 at 11:55

Pass number one of the B-25 as everyone works to get in position.

First pass of the T-6s as they work to get formed up.

Second pass two minutes later as they come directly overhead.

Joining up with the B-25.

11:43. On their way.
Indy 500 Youtube
2013 Fly-Over
Titusville (Tico), FL
NAS Key West, FL
Chino, CA
Indy 500 Fly-Over
Reading, PA WWII Weekend
CWH Show,
Hamilton, ONT
Dayton, OH
Muncie, IN
Topeka, KS
Purdue University, IN
Thunder over
Michigan, Belleville, MI
Hillsdale, MI
Marion, IN
Waukegan, IL
Glendale Airport, Kokomo,
IN Rome, GA
Peachtree City, GA
Houston, TX
Urbana, OH B-25 Gathering
B-25 Doolittle Memorial
Fly-over at Dayton, OH