2013 Airshows
Titusville (Tico), FL
NAS Key West, FL
Chino, CA
Indy 500 Fly-Over
Reading, PA WWII Weekend
CWH Show,
Hamilton, ONT
Dayton, OH
Muncie, IN
Topeka, KS
Purdue University, IN
Thunder over
Michigan, Belleville, MI
Hillsdale, MI
Marion, IN
Waukegan, IL
Glendale Airport, Kokomo,
IN Rome, GA
Peachtree City, GA
Houston, TX
Urbana, OH B-25 Gathering
B-25 Doolittle Memorial
Fly-over at Dayton, OH
Wings over North Georgia
Photo Review
Warbirds at Rome, GA - October 12-13, 2013 -
Photos taken Saturday October 12.
I had been to the Rome, GA previously back in
2005 and was not too impressed. In 2012 while helping to put in
the Indianapolis Airshow I was talking with an aviation photographer
that told me the Rome show was under new management and that it was
going to vastly improved. So when I had the opportunity to visit
both Wings over North Georgia and the Great Georgia Airshow in Peachtree
City on the same weekend and 100 miles from each other, I took it.
Plus the weather was predicted warm and clear for both.
Airfield orientation for photographers: Facing east using
runways 01-19. Because the show started at 11:00 AM there was
still some sun issues for the first hour or so.
Due to the small size of the airport all of
the performing aircraft were out in front of the crowd and I picked a
spot just to the north of the Special Guest Chalets that allowed me to
watch and hear the Black Diamonds and Geico Skytypers start up and taxi.
On either side of me were some really frienldy people from the Rome area
that made for new friends and company.

This T-34 owned by T34-34AF LLC came in for static display from
Marietta, GA.

Early in the morning parts for the field had
patches of fog while other parts of the airport were sunny and clear.
Here is a shot of Jim Tobul's Corsair in the fog.

Just to the west the American Airlines DC-3 is in the clear although fog
can be seen in the background.

The C-54 from the Berlin Airlift Group was on hand and giving tours.

This Grumman OV-1D Mohawk is owned by Mohawk Technologies and operates
out of the Palm Beach FL airport. The company designs and install
aerial surveillance equipment for various government agencies.
This is one of 5 OV-1D's the company owns and this is the first time I
have seen this aircraft.

From Topeka, KS the AC-47 Gunship was on display. This aircraft
has been very busy in the eastern part of the US in 2013.

This T-28 was one of 3 aircraft that did fly-bys upon arriving at the
airport to land.

Here the T-28 taxis in. It is owned by Dalk's Leasing in Wilminton,

Next down the flight line was this three bladed SNJ-4.

This is also owned by a corporation in Wilmington, DE.

Everybody had to get into the act!!!

Shooting to the south into the sun I got this photo of the Skysoldier
UH-1 Huey making final approach after giving a ride with the CF-18 in
the foreground.

The Skysoldier AH-1 coming back in from a giving the person in the red
coat a ride.

Flag Jump to start the show. This is the first time I have seen
the flag as actually part of the parachute.

Kent Pietsch and Jelly Belly was one six single civilian aerobatic acts
which was in my estimation over kill for the show. Some of this
may have resulted from trying to fill in for the US Thunderbirds that
were scheduled but then had to cancel due to congressional cuts to the
budget. Kent flew three times and several of the others flew
twice. Also my Rome friends had been to the show in 2012 and told
me the crowd was way down in size this year compared to last.
Hopefully the sponsorships covered all the costs.

Scott Yoak from West Virginia in his P-51D Quicksilver was one of the
reasons I went to the Rome show. I was not disappointed as he put
on a great show.

The Aerostars in their Yak-52TWs are always fun to watch as they are
great at staying in front of the crowd as much as possible.

Jim Tobul takes off in his beautiful looking Corsair.

Here Jim gives us a low high speed pass.

And then he gave us a dirty pass.

The P-51 and F4U flying together in a Heritage/Legacy Flight. This
is the first time I have seen and Army Air Force and Navy fighter do

The show was able to get the CF-18 to perform. Here the pilot
unfurls the US Flag.

The Geico Skytypers gave us lots of round engine noise as they went
through their routine.

For the finale was the Black Diamond Jet Aerobatic Team that was a
replacement for the Thunderbirds. Note how the as the formation
team aircraft are climbing out and gaining attitude, as all prudent
pilots do on take-off.

Not so much so with solo pilot Dale "Snort" Snodgrass who likes it down

This photo captures all five aircraft in one formation.

Titusville (Tico), FL
NAS Key West, FL
Chino, CA
Indy 500 Fly-Over
Reading, PA WWII Weekend
CWH Show,
Hamilton, ONT
Dayton, OH
Muncie, IN
Topeka, KS
Purdue University, IN
Thunder over
Michigan, Belleville, MI
Hillsdale, MI
Marion, IN
Waukegan, IL
Glendale Airport, Kokomo,
IN Rome, GA
Peachtree City, GA
Houston, TX
Urbana, OH B-25 Gathering
B-25 Doolittle Memorial
Fly-over at Dayton, OH