2013 Airshows
Titusville (Tico), FL
NAS Key West, FL
Chino, CA
Indy 500 Fly-Over
Reading, PA WWII Weekend
CWH Show,
Hamilton, ONT
Dayton, OH
Muncie, IN
Topeka, KS
Purdue University, IN
Thunder over
Michigan, Belleville, MI
Hillsdale, MI
Marion, IN
Waukegan, IL
Glendale Airport, Kokomo,
IN Rome, GA
Peachtree City, GA
Houston, TX
Urbana, OH B-25 Gathering
B-25 Doolittle Memorial
Fly-over at Dayton, OH
Dayton Airshow
Photo Review
Warbirds at Dayton International
Airport, Vandalia, OH - June 22-23, 2013 - Photos taken Saturday June
My original plan for this report before attending the Dayton
Airshow was to give a full report on all the warbirds that would be
participating in lieu of the non existent military support Dayton has
enjoyed in the past. This plan changed in a tragic instant when
wing walker Jane Wicker and pilot Charlie Schwenker were involved in a
fatal accident at airshow center early in the show on Saturday.
While this is not the first time I have been to an event with a
fatality, that does not make it any easier, especially due to my long 30
year association with organizing airshows I usually know the victim(s).
Jane was at our 2012 Indianapolis Airshow and although I did not interface
directly with her, she and I were in the same pilot safety briefings and
at the Saturday night party during that weekend that year. I do
not know if I had ever seen Charlie fly previously at a show in his long
career, but that is immaterial as he was still part of the small
extended family of airshow performers and organizers that we are part
Both Charlie and Jane are going to be missed by all of us.

Jane Wicker signing autographs at the 2012
Indianapolis Airshow. She was great at this and with the children.
Photo courtesy of the Indianapolis Airshow.

Charlie Schwenker with his aircraft at an
unknown airport.
courtesy of the Indianapolis Airshow.
I was not even sure I was going to actually do
a report on the Dayton show. But due to the fact that the show
organizers worked so hard and did such a great job of gathering warbirds
for both static and flying display, I have decided to do a report to
show the result of their endeavors. With the exception of the flag
jump I will not include any airshow flying. After the accident on
Saturday the show was closed and we were sent home. I did not return
Sunday but assume that all of the warbirds scheduled to do show flew on
that day.

"Fifi" taxing out for ride at 10:00 on Saturday morning. In this
and other photos one can almost see the humidity in the air as the trees
in the background are not as clear as they would be on a low humidity
day. Actually from weather standpoint it was pretty miserable due
to the heat and humidity. But then if it isn't hot, humid and
miserable, its not the Dayton Airshow.

C-123 from Air Heritage in Beaver Falls, PA was on the field for static
aircraft tours.

As was the Douglas C-54 from the Berlin Airlift Historical Foundation in
Farmingdale, NJ.

Verlin McIntosh of Farmersville, OH had his pristine T-28 on static

The Warbird Heritage Foundation from Waukegan, IL had its F-86 on static
along with being a flying display.

Randy Ball brought in the Mig-17 from Fighter Jets in Tyler, TX for a
flying display.

Fighters and Legend was in for a F4U flying demonstration.

This P-51 from the Cavanaugh Flight Museum
from Addison, TX did a flying display.

David Rothenanger had his T-34 on static display.

The Warbird Heritage Foundation from Waukegan, IL also had its T-2
Buckeye on display.

James Leavelle from Cleveland, OH brought in his SNJ for static display.

The "Rise Above" exhibit from the CAF was also on display.

B-25 "Champaign Gal" was in from Urbana, OH for static display.

This C-45 from the Commemorative Air Force now belongs to the B-24/B-29
Squadron and was on static display.

At 10:30 "Fifi" was back overhead.

Actually I learned something about how the B-29 lands as the narrator
explained it to those of us that were at the crowd line. The pilot
will bring her in this nose down configuration and then use the trim
tabs to level her out for a three point landing.

Here she is starting to trim to level flight.

The Army Aviation Heritage Foundation was providing helicopter rides on
both the UH-1 as seen here and the AH-1.

Coming back in from a flight.

A lot going on as one group departs the Huey and another group gets
ready to load up as "Fifi" taxies back in.

The gentleman sitting in the bombardier's seat paid either $1,595 at the
show or $1,495 in advance for the privilege of spending the entire
flight in that location. Note that the flight engineer has his
window open trying to get some cooler air inside.

The AH-1 Cobra departing with a rider.

Another Huey is setting up for the landing as the B-29 gets ready to
shut down.

There was constant action with the helicopters coming and going on a
continuing basis.

This is the world's largest US flag at 7,500 square feet and has a total
weight of 250 pounds including the weight that the jumper has to deal
with and manage.

Titusville (Tico), FL
NAS Key West, FL
Chino, CA
Indy 500 Fly-Over
Reading, PA WWII Weekend
CWH Show,
Hamilton, ONT
Dayton, OH
Muncie, IN
Topeka, KS
Purdue University, IN
Thunder over
Michigan, Belleville, MI
Hillsdale, MI
Marion, IN
Waukegan, IL
Glendale Airport, Kokomo,
IN Rome, GA
Peachtree City, GA
Houston, TX
Urbana, OH B-25 Gathering
B-25 Doolittle Memorial
Fly-over at Dayton, OH