2013 Airshows
Titusville (Tico), FL
NAS Key West, FL
Chino, CA
Indy 500 Fly-Over
Reading, PA WWII Weekend
CWH Show,
Hamilton, ONT
Dayton, OH
Muncie, IN
Topeka, KS
Purdue University, IN
Thunder over
Michigan, Belleville, MI
Hillsdale, MI
Marion, IN
Waukegan, IL
Glendale Airport, Kokomo,
IN Rome, GA
Peachtree City, GA
Houston, TX
Urbana, OH B-25 Gathering
B-25 Doolittle Memorial
Fly-over at Dayton, OH
Tico 2013 Warbird Airshow
Photo Review
Warbirds at Space Coast Regional
Airport, Titusville, FL - March 22-24, 2013
(Photos taken 3-22 and 3-23)
Postscript: It is our
understanding that the show had record crowds on both Friday and
Saturday and even more important made money, which hopefully means it
will return for another addition in 2014. DDJ 4-6-2013
Tico. This is always a great way to start the season,
especially after all the grey winter skies and leaving the day before
the event in a small snow storm. The first warbird show of the year after winter without the sights, sounds and
smells of warbirds performing all got rectified in warm, sunny weather in
Titusville, FL. This
year the show was all about the first time in 36 years the US Thunderbirds
participated at the event and due to the sequester, was both both the
first and the last time
the unit participates at an airshow as the rest of the 2013 season has
been canceled. Also attending in remembrance of
B-17F "Memphis Belle" completing 25 combat missions was B-17G "Chuckie"
from the Military Aviation Museum in Virginia Beach, VA and was the
first time in a long time a Flying Fortress has attended the show.
However, we can not say "The Memphis Belle" was the first 8th Air Force B-17 to reach 25 combat
missions as that honor falls to B-17F "Hell's Angels" six days earlier
than when "Memphis Belle" accomplished that milestone.
Unfortunately the airshow narrator perpetuated the falsehood at the
The Tico show is all about flying warbirds with a very small (thankfully)
sprinkling of civilian aerobatics. (But actually we need a couple of
civilian aerobatic acts as that gives us time to go to the Porta-John.
One does not want to be inside a Porta-John when the warbirds are flying!)
So the Tico air show committee gets it right with lots of warbirds and
lots of fly-bys.
Not like many shows that have lots of civilian aerobatics with a warbird
or two, or maybe none at all. Supporting the B-17G fly-bys with
pyro was a cast of trainer fly-bys and formations, a P-51 aerobatic demonstration, F-104 demo,
A-4 and the one and only Matt Younkin burning up the airport with his twin
Beech aerobatic routine. What a way to start out the 2013 air show season!
DDJ 4-1-2013
Airfield orientation for photographers: Facing north with 9-27
being the show line. I set up at the west end of the crowd line as
this puts me next to the hot ramp.
A Sampling of Friday's Action:

First Flag Jump of the Year!!

The Valiant Air Command's C-47 "Tico Belle" taxiing out with the jumpers
for the previously shown flag jump.

"Tico Belle" served at Normandy.

In all of the years I have been coming down here for the airshow this is
the first time I have ever seen her fly.

The Starfighter's F-104 used the longer 0-18 runway and this was at the
extreme range of my lens. This photo is included to show that even
during the day the afterburner flame is visible.

Normally if everything works out the F-104 will be at Tico each year.
Few shows can claim that. Last year it missed the event when the
pilot broke his arm the week of the show.

For the most part the Starfighter has one speed in front of the crowd.

The person in back was General Steve Richie.

Doug Mathews giving a photo pass in his P-51.

A large part of the Tico show are the T-34, T-6 and T-28 formation
fly-bys. Here the three T-6's that flew break to land.

The Military Aviation Museum's B-17G "Chuckie" in her first appearance
at Tico. While I am have been attending off and on the past ten
years or so this is the first B-17 that I know of attending. Let's
hope she or other B-17s return soon.

Another great jet warbird, Skyhawk Ventures A-4C makes her second
straight appearance. Here her exhaust is making a dust storm
behind the aircraft.

Five T-28s participated on Friday, six on Saturday.

Matt Younkin in the Twin Beech as he hugs the runway to build airspeed.

So he can go into his signature roll on take-off.

Photo Pass!

Tico will be the only performance for the Thunderbirds this year unless
budge allows them to return in the next fiscal year starting in October.
This was also the only time they have been at Tico and it was their only
appearance this year.


I was tracking the one on the left or going west.

Also now becoming another regular at the event are the "Skysoldiers"
with their Cobra and Huey giving rides. Here the Cobra lifts off
after the show with another passenger. As they operate most of the
day there is always helicopters coming and going during the day.
A Sampling of Saturday's Action:

Frame 1844. I don't think anyone has ever accused Tom Reilly of
not being able to be to fly a B-25 or not fly it low enough. No
one will be able to after Saturday at Tico. Here "Killer B" can be
seen behind the trees to the northeast as he sets up for a low level run
in the Doolittle Reenactment. The hangar on the left is the
Warbird Museum's maintenance and restoration hangar.

Frame 1849. The hangar with the F-104
in front of it is the main exhibit hangar. To the right or south
of this is the new Vietnam Era Exhibit hangar (Not visible in this
photo.) that opened about two years ago. If you are visiting the
Space Coast during the year make sure to visit the VAC Museum.

Frame 1852. "Killer B" disappears again for the most part behind
the trees. This was not done on Friday, which is one of the
reasons to spend multiple days at the event as the show evolves during
the weekend.

Frame 1858.

Frame 1863.

Frame 1872. Note the pyro shooter and burned grass. I was
unaware the shooter was in this and the following photo until editing.
The pyro show on Friday had been hindered by fires that were started in
the dry grass. When this photo was taken on Saturday the grass had
all been pretty much burned off. At the Indianapolis Airshow we
always tried to burn the grass off the day before any shooting to
prevent fires during the event. Sometimes we were successful and
sometimes not.

Frame 1872.

This C-45 did not fly on Friday but did on Saturday.

Just one great looking warbird!

"Wall of Fire" at Tico on Saturday, March 23, 2013. I had the
camera fixed on the pyro blast location and was not expecting the A-4 to
fly so low. Also the shutter speed was still set at a longer
exposure time to get the prop blur on the T-28s that had just flown
through, so the A-4 is just a bit fuzzy. If I had planned to try
and capture the Skyhawk in front of the pyro I probably would have
missed it. This was an unplanned, lucky shot.
This was also the first time in recent history
that pyro has been used at the show.

After the A-4 and Matt Younkin flew on Saturday I left to beat the
traffic and start my 300 mile journey to NAS Key West.

Titusville (Tico), FL
NAS Key West, FL
Chino, CA
Indy 500 Fly-Over
Reading, PA WWII Weekend
CWH Show,
Hamilton, ONT
Dayton, OH
Muncie, IN
Topeka, KS
Purdue University, IN
Thunder over
Michigan, Belleville, MI
Hillsdale, MI
Marion, IN
Waukegan, IL
Glendale Airport, Kokomo,
IN Rome, GA
Peachtree City, GA
Houston, TX
Urbana, OH B-25 Gathering
B-25 Doolittle Memorial
Fly-over at Dayton, OH