2012 Airshows
Titusville (Tico), FL
Urbana, OH B-25 Gathering
B-25 Fly-Over at
Doolittle Reunion, Dayton, OH
MCAS Cherry
Point, NC
Shaw AFB,
Sumter, SC
AFB, Knob Noster, MO
Boeing Field,
Seattle, WA
Kokomo Air Show,
Kokomo, IN
CWH Airshow,
Hamilton ON
Indianapolis Air Show, Greenfield, IN
Indianapolis Executive B-17
Texas Raiders
Thunder over
Michigan, Belleville, MI
Community Airshow, Alma, MI
Marion Fly-In/Drive-In,
Marion, IN
Fort Wayne Air
Show, Fort Wayne, IN
Waukegan, IL
Glendale Airport, Kokomo,
Regional Airport, IN
Indianapolis Metropolitan Airport, IN
Seattle, WA 2012 Boeing
Field Warbird Visit
Photo Review
B-17 Aluminum Overcast at Boeing Field
May 25, 2012
This was not an air show per se but there was a B-17 flying so it
comes in as a warbird flying event. I was visiting the Museum of
Flight the same day B-17 Aluminum Overcast was on display and giving rides
which was very cool because during WWII 6,981 B-17s of all types rolled
off the Boeing Plant 2 assembly lines which was, until razed a couple of
years ago, was just a mile down the road from the museum.

I just happened to step out of the museum as
this 747 was on final.

Boeing has its engineering and test facilities at this location so there
is always some sort of interesting aircraft landing or taking off.

On static display. Right now there are no Boeing B-17s that were
built at this location flying. They are all Lockheed-Vega or Douglas
built. This one was built by Vega.

Fired up and ready to taxi out.

The DC-2 is registered to the Museum of Flight.

The tail wheel has just come off the runway.

A half hour later she was back. The rest of the photos were taken
from inside the rental car, as although it does not show up in the photo,
it was raining rather hard at this time.

Titusville (Tico), FL
Urbana, OH B-25 Gathering
B-25 Fly-Over at
Doolittle Reunion, Dayton, OH
MCAS Cherry
Point, NC
Shaw AFB,
Sumter, SC
AFB, Knob Noster, MO
Boeing Field,
Seattle, WA
Kokomo Air Show,
Kokomo, IN
CWH Airshow,
Hamilton ON
Indianapolis Air Show, Greenfield, IN
Indianapolis Executive B-17
Texas Raiders
Thunder over
Michigan, Belleville, MI
Community Airshow, Alma, MI
Marion Fly-In/Drive-In,
Marion, IN
Fort Wayne Air
Show, Fort Wayne, IN
Waukegan, IL
Glendale Airport, Kokomo,
Regional Airport, IN
Indianapolis Metropolitan Airport, IN