2012 Airshows
Titusville (Tico), FL
Urbana, OH B-25 Gathering
B-25 Fly-Over at
Doolittle Reunion, Dayton, OH
MCAS Cherry
Point, NC
Shaw AFB,
Sumter, SC
AFB, Knob Noster, MO
Boeing Field,
Seattle, WA
Kokomo Air Show,
Kokomo, IN
CWH Airshow,
Hamilton ON
Indianapolis Air Show, Greenfield, IN
Indianapolis Executive B-17
Texas Raiders
Thunder over
Michigan, Belleville, MI
Community Airshow, Alma, MI
Marion Fly-In/Drive-In,
Marion, IN
Fort Wayne Air
Show, Fort Wayne, IN
Waukegan, IL
Glendale Airport, Kokomo,
Regional Airport, IN
Indianapolis Metropolitan Airport, IN
Urbana 2012 B-25 Warbird
Photo Review
Grimes Gathering of the B-25s
Warbirds at Urbana Airport,
Urbana, OH - April 14-15, 2012
This was the second of two and most likely the last major gathering
of B-25s at Urbana, OH to honor The Doolittle's Raiders on the 70th
Anniversary of the famous and war changing attack on April 18, 1942.
Two years ago in 2010 there was a similar gathering which brought together
(17) B-25s for the fly-by at the Air Force Museum. Urbana is the
staging area for the aircraft before they all depart for static display
and the fly-by at the Air Force Museum. This year the goal was (22)
B-25s to make the event. However, due to weather and other issues,
as of Sunday only (15) had arrived. However, for the warbird
aficionado and enthusiast that was able to get to Urbana on Sunday April
15th, the events and flying were for all intents and purposes a one time
experience that will be hard to ever replicate or repeat.
Several things changed at Urbana from 2010 to
2012 that made April 15, 2012 special. First were the days it was
held. In 2010 the B-25s arrived and gathered on a Thursday and
Friday. This was done so they could fly out on Saturday morning for
static display at the Museum on Saturday and then do the actual honorary
fly-by on Sunday, April 18, which was the 68th Anniversary. So the
arrival and display days at Urbana were on weekdays when many people
obviously had to go to work. This year, with April 18th being on a
Wednesday, the Urbana event was on the weekend. While Saturday was
for the most part a washout, Sunday was the day everything came together
to make for a memorable experience. The weather cleared up, was warm
and sunny and although windy, it was right down the runway. So
Sunday was a great day for people to come out to see this great gathering
of warbirds. And come they did, with an over packed parking lot and
a continuous minor traffic jam out on the road in front of the airport.
Another key change was emphasis this year B-25
Warbird Rides. In 2010 I do not remember that many B-25s giving
rides to the public. If memory serves me correctly only one or two
were doing it and it was somewhat limited. This year there was a
coordinated effort among the B-25s along with the Champaign Air Museum
that hosted the event to promote the rides to support the B-25s. The
price among all the Mitchells' was the same and they all had a table to
sell their rides in the Museum's hangar. So as a person that wanted
to take a ride, it was one-stop shopping. He/she could walk in and
then talk and book with whichever B-25 was the most desirable. And
there were plenty to chose from, with 8-10 of the B-25s on hand providing
the service.
So with the weather driving most of the crowd
to come out on Sunday, the fact that the B-25s had a coordinated and well
publicized ride program this year, and the fact that the economy is
somewhat better than it was two years ago, Urbana became a very busy
airport with at least (50) B-25 ride sorties during the day. Also
new this year was a spectator viewing area (the Bullpen) right next to one
of the taxiways which allowed more than just the media to get up close and
personal with the B-25s as they were taking off, landing, and taxiing back
And when it comes to the Warbird Sound Index
Factor, the B-25 Mitchell has the highest value when it comes to decibel
level. So if there is one aircraft that can give the most warbird
radial sound on take-off, the B-25 is first choice.
And do you know what? To see and hear
all of these great B-25s coming and going all day it only cost $5.
Five Bucks!! In an era where some airshows are charging $30 at the
gate along with added charges for access to the hot ramp or special photo
areas, this was a steal!

On Saturday the Yellow Rose probably wished
she was back in Texas. I spent more time in my vehicle waiting for
breaks in the showers than I did out on the airport grounds.

Tondalayo fires up for a Saturday Trip.

Taxiing out.

Here Barbie III rotates for a Saturday ride
trip. There were 3 or 4 ride trips on Saturday

Its Sunday morning at 9:02, two minutes after the gates opened, and
already here is the first arrival of the day, Axis Nightmare from the
Tri-State Warbird Museum in Batavia, OH. Just the beginning of a
great day of B-25 flying.

The Yellow Rose may have been grounded on Saturday but she wasted no time
on Sunday by launching at 9:07. She was the first of over 50 B-25
take-offs for the day. Everybody is watching!

Next out was the Champaign Air Museum's B-25 Champaign Gal at 9:38.
This is the first time I have seen her fly.

Nine minutes later Yankee Warrior took off. This was the cycle that
continued all day until after 6 PM. The rides are 30 minutes in
duration so once air operations got going the gaps were not very long
between a take-off, landing or a B-25 in the pattern. This B-25D,
built at the North American plant in Kansas City, KS is an actual combat
veteran from the Mediterranean Theater of Operations during WWII.

Yellow Rose has returned from her first mission of the day and is turning
back on to the taxiway. Runway 20 at Urbana is 4,400 feet in length.
This photo was taken from the spectator viewing area.

Old Glory arrives from California.

Indicative of all the B-25 activity of the day. Miss Mitchell is on
short final, Tondelayo is doing run-ups at the end of the runway and
Barbie III appears to be getting ready to go back out as the co-pilot's
seat is occupied.

Miss Mitchell.

This is Executive Sweet/Big Buck. There was always a group of
enthusiasts taking photos every time a B-25 came by.

The B-25's cousin gives us all a low pass, P-51 Mustang Petie 2nd.

Devil Dog returns from a ride trip.

Barbie III.

A loose five ship formation of B-25s.

Executive Sweet/Big Buck.

Now we have two P-51 Mustangs.

Gentleman Jim coming by the Bullpen. A chance for a P-51 enthusiast
to get a return wave from the pilot.

Champaign Gal going out on an afternoon mission. Those in the
Bullpen had an ideal location for all of the action.

Gentleman Jim heads out on a mission.

Petie 2nd is right behind.

Getting up close and personal with Show Me.

Out to the north east over the top of Devil Dog is Champaign Gal,
Gentleman Jim and Petie 2nd inbound for a formation pass.

Miss Hap arrives.

The next section needs some explanation.
On Saturday I was informed that B-25 Betty's Dream of the Texas Flying
Legends Museum would be coming in on Sunday after having been delayed on
Saturday due to the violent weather in that part of the country.
Museum management had previously decided that if its B-25 was going to
have to take such a long mission to Urbana that it needed fighter escort.
Like all of the fighters in the Museum; P-40, P-51, F4U and A6M2.
The group set out from Houston, TX early Sunday morning with an original
ETA of 1:00 PM. As those of us that work with Warbirds know arrival
times can be "fluid". In this case there were still weather delays
enroute and the time slipped to 3:00 PM and 5:00 PM with then the apparent
word at 5:40 there was not going to be a Sunday arrival.

5:45 PM. Betty's Dream with her fighter
escort arrives!!

What actually happened at the end that resulted in the belief that the
group would not arrive is that a B-25 had been scheduled to take off and
meet the incoming aircraft over Springfield, OH and escort it in.
When it escort was cancelled it was assumed that the arrival was delayed
until the next morning. But they arrived sooner than expected and
were no doubt ready to land after a long day of flying and to be able and
go get a couple cold adult beverages.

Pacific Princess.

Maid in the Shade.
All of this for five bucks!!
Titusville (Tico), FL
Urbana, OH B-25 Gathering
B-25 Fly-Over at
Doolittle Reunion, Dayton, OH
MCAS Cherry
Point, NC
Shaw AFB,
Sumter, SC
AFB, Knob Noster, MO
Boeing Field,
Seattle, WA
Kokomo Air Show,
Kokomo, IN
CWH Airshow,
Hamilton ON
Indianapolis Air Show, Greenfield, IN
Indianapolis Executive B-17
Texas Raiders
Thunder over
Michigan, Belleville, MI
Community Airshow, Alma, MI
Marion Fly-In/Drive-In,
Marion, IN
Fort Wayne Air
Show, Fort Wayne, IN
Waukegan, IL
Glendale Airport, Kokomo,
Regional Airport, IN
Indianapolis Metropolitan Airport, IN