2012 Airshows
Titusville (Tico), FL
Urbana, OH B-25 Gathering
B-25 Fly-Over at
Doolittle Reunion, Dayton, OH
MCAS Cherry
Point, NC
Shaw AFB,
Sumter, SC
AFB, Knob Noster, MO
Boeing Field,
Seattle, WA
Kokomo Air Show,
Kokomo, IN
CWH Airshow,
Hamilton ON
Indianapolis Air Show, Greenfield, IN
Indianapolis Executive B-17
Texas Raiders
Thunder over
Michigan, Belleville, MI
Community Airshow, Alma, MI
Marion Fly-In/Drive-In,
Marion, IN
Fort Wayne Air
Show, Fort Wayne, IN
Waukegan, IL
Glendale Airport, Kokomo,
Regional Airport, IN
Indianapolis Metropolitan Airport, IN
70th Doolittle Raid
Anniversary Reunion B-25 Fly-Over at the US Air Force Museum in Dayton, OH
April 18, 2012
This was the second of two B-25 fly-overs in the past two years and
probably the last. Nineteen of the 20 aircraft that launched right
after noon time flew over the Air Force Museum.

We are looking down the old runway 23. This used to be 8,000 feet.

First Launch: 12:20

Raider 1 - Panchito. From Delaware. Larry Kelly, owner of
Panchito and organizer of the B-25 portion of the event, is probably in
the top turret. He could be heard on the aviation radio working to
get the other 19 B-25s into position for the fly-bys.

Raider 2 - Pacific Princess. All the way from California.

Raider 3 - Miss Hap. From New York.

Russian Ta Get Ya - From Texas

Raider 5 - Grumpy. All the way from Washington. Started
Saturday and arrived at Urbana late Monday.

Raider 6 - Betty's Dream. From Texas.

Raider 7 - Axis Nightmare. From Ohio.

Raider 8 - Yankee Warrior. From Michigan.

Raider 9 - Executive Sweet/My Buck. From California

Raider 10 - Barbie III. From Florida.

Raider 11 - Champaign Gal. From Ohio.

Raider 12 - Special Delivery. From Texas.

Raider 13 - Tondelayo. From

Raider 14 - Old Glory. From California.

Raider 15 - Take Off Time. - From New Jersey.

Raider 16 - Miss Mitchell. From Minnesota. Miss Mitchell had a
mechanical problem during the form-up and returned to Urbana.

Raider 17 - Show Me. From Missouri.

Raider 18 -
Yellow Rose. From Texas.

Raider 19 - Maid in the Shade. From Arizona.

Raider 20 - Devil Dog. From Texas. The time is 12:33.
Twenty Raiders were launched in 13 minutes.

OK. Eighteen of nineteen of the Raiders have turned final for the
first "formation pass". Note that Raider 19 is still on base
leg in the middle left hand part of the photo. A true tail end

Here you can see him turning final. We will not identify the B-25
but it did not start at the end of the take-offs.

If I have counted correctly, all 19 of the Raiders are in this photo.

The Raiders were overhead at 12:56.
There is nothing that can compare with the sound of 19 B-25s flying
directly overhead!

The second pass. The first 10 Raiders are looking good.

Pass number three is a four ship for the
Missing Man.

Titusville (Tico), FL
Urbana, OH B-25 Gathering
B-25 Fly-Over at
Doolittle Reunion, Dayton, OH
MCAS Cherry
Point, NC
Shaw AFB,
Sumter, SC
AFB, Knob Noster, MO
Boeing Field,
Seattle, WA
Kokomo Air Show,
Kokomo, IN
CWH Airshow,
Hamilton ON
Indianapolis Air Show, Greenfield, IN
Indianapolis Executive B-17
Texas Raiders
Thunder over
Michigan, Belleville, MI
Community Airshow, Alma, MI
Marion Fly-In/Drive-In,
Marion, IN
Fort Wayne Air
Show, Fort Wayne, IN
Waukegan, IL
Glendale Airport, Kokomo,
Regional Airport, IN
Indianapolis Metropolitan Airport, IN