2012 Airshows
Titusville (Tico), FL
Urbana, OH B-25 Gathering
B-25 Fly-Over at
Doolittle Reunion, Dayton, OH
MCAS Cherry
Point, NC
Shaw AFB,
Sumter, SC
AFB, Knob Noster, MO
Boeing Field,
Seattle, WA
Kokomo Air Show,
Kokomo, IN
CWH Airshow,
Hamilton ON
Indianapolis Air Show, Greenfield, IN
Indianapolis Executive B-17
Texas Raiders
Thunder over
Michigan, Belleville, MI
Community Airshow, Alma, MI
Marion Fly-In/Drive-In,
Marion, IN
Fort Wayne Air
Show, Fort Wayne, IN
Waukegan, IL
Glendale Airport, Kokomo,
Regional Airport, IN
Indianapolis Metropolitan Airport, IN
Indianapolis Air Show 2012
Photo Review
Warbirds at the Indianapolis
Regional Airport,
Greenfield, IN - June22-24, 2012
This is the one air show I volunteer for during the year and my
duties are to contract with the warbirds and then during the show I am one
of two warbird narrators. While it would seem I have ample time to
take photos during the weekend most of the time I am solving problems that
arise and helping others with their issues. Most of the time I do
not even have a camera with me. During the narration although I have
all the warbirds flying in front of me yet I still can only sneak in a few
photos at the appropriate moments. The photos below are not logical
order and are not inclusive of all the warbirds that were there. But
this should give you a flavor of some of the 46 warbirds that were on the
field in various locations.

The L-39s belong to a group called the
Hoppers, which donates its fuel to perform at the air show each year.

All five T-34s were new to the show!

They just don't make crew chiefs like they
used to!!
Therese Stender makes sure everything is all
set for her husband Paul as he gets ready to taxi the jet powered
outhouse up and down the the taxiway (Does an outhouse taxi or drive?).
Due to the fact Paul sits on the jet engine and he uses both jet fuel and
100LL for this part of the show, everything needs to be just right, just
as when he goes shooting down the runway in their jet powered school bus
at 300 mph, which has a J-79 engine in it.
Yes, I know this is supposed to be a Warbird
only website, but I can change the rules whenever I want!!
Paul is completely covered with a flame
retardant suit. It may be a comedy act on the outside but inside it
is all serious business. It was 93 degrees when this photo was taken
so he probably on the warm side from the weather, let alone the heat
generated by the jet engine, which came out of a navy minesweeper and his
protective clothing. Fuel is poured in through the urinal that can
be seen behind Pau's right hand. It takes 15 gallons of Jet A and 10
gallons of 100LL for each run. The chassis is from a go-cart .

150 gallons of Jet A per routine.

Larry Jacobi from Noblesville, IN brought in
his new T-6 to the show. New to the show!

Lee Leet from Louisville. KY brought in his Shorts Tucano and gave us some
real nice high speed passes. This is one of only 4 flying in the US
and the paint scheme is original, from when it was a demo aircraft in the
RAF. New to the show!

Indiana Air Search and Rescue (IASAR) from
Fishers, IN had its new OH-13G on display, which was just brought in from
Texas a week earlier. Due to radio issues it did not fly with the
Huey but should be in the show in 2013. New to the show!

Bill Finney from Muncie taxies out in his

Walt Gdowski's T-28 on display.

Jim Leavelle from Cleveland, OH brought in his
T-6 and gave us a nice warbird aerobatic routine. New to the show!

Todd Winemiller from Cincinnati, OH had his
Texan on display and in the air. New to the show!

Mass trainer formation. One of several which included 19 aircraft on
Saturday and 16 on Sunday.

Rare mixed fighter and attack aircraft formation.

John Joyce from Carmel, IN in his Bulldog.

The venerable Huey on one of its many low passes during the trainer and
liaison segment.

What's wrong with this picture? Its not the super Stearman that is
flying upside because that is permissible. It is the fact that Jane
Wicker is sitting on the wing without a safety harness and the pilot is
her former husband. New to the show!

Doug Rozendaal puts the P-51C Red Tail through its aerobatic paces at the
show. Doug flew this segment, while Brad Lang, a son of a Tuskegee
airman, flew the warbird sequence. New to the show!

The Tennessee Ridgerunners plus One round the corner marker for a photo

Dennis Labbe came all the way from Ft. Myers,
FL to help out and fly in the show.

This was the high angle of attack fly-by.

This stock PT-17 was on display with Jane Wicker's Super Stearman.
New to the show!

The start of the trainer taxi.

This was taken from the narrator's stand on Sunday.

Not the best photo of the lot, but the only one I have of Jim Cook, with
his signature baseball cap on, doing a high speed pass in his Yak-9 that
is in focus.

The American Military Heritage Foundation's Lockheed PV-2 on a high speed
pass. It is one of only two flying today.

Eric Downing's AE-1E Skyraider.

Rodney Davis and his L-5.

Dave Folk in his F4U-5 Corsair.

Neal Melton in the P-47D.

Victor Stottlemyer in his Harvard. New to the show!

The PT-26 Cornell from the Indiana Wing of the CAF..
Titusville (Tico), FL
Urbana, OH B-25 Gathering
B-25 Fly-Over at
Doolittle Reunion, Dayton, OH
MCAS Cherry
Point, NC
Shaw AFB,
Sumter, SC
AFB, Knob Noster, MO
Boeing Field,
Seattle, WA
Kokomo Air Show,
Kokomo, IN
CWH Airshow,
Hamilton ON
Indianapolis Air Show, Greenfield, IN
Indianapolis Executive B-17
Texas Raiders
Thunder over
Michigan, Belleville, MI
Community Airshow, Alma, MI
Marion Fly-In/Drive-In,
Marion, IN
Fort Wayne Air
Show, Fort Wayne, IN
Waukegan, IL
Glendale Airport, Kokomo,
Regional Airport, IN
Indianapolis Metropolitan Airport, IN