2012 Airshows
Titusville (Tico), FL
Urbana, OH B-25 Gathering
B-25 Fly-Over at
Doolittle Reunion, Dayton, OH
MCAS Cherry
Point, NC
Shaw AFB,
Sumter, SC
AFB, Knob Noster, MO
Boeing Field,
Seattle, WA
Kokomo Air Show,
Kokomo, IN
CWH Airshow,
Hamilton ON
Indianapolis Air Show, Greenfield, IN
Indianapolis Executive B-17
Texas Raiders
Thunder over
Michigan, Belleville, MI
Community Airshow, Alma, MI
Marion Fly-In/Drive-In,
Marion, IN
Fort Wayne Air
Show, Fort Wayne, IN
Waukegan, IL
Glendale Airport, Kokomo,
Regional Airport, IN
Indianapolis Metropolitan Airport, IN
Tico 2012 Warbird Airshow
Photo Review
Warbirds at Space Coast Regional
Airport, Titusville, FL - March 9-11, 2012
Tico. What else can one say or need to say? The first
warbird show of the year after winter without the sights, sounds and
smells of warbirds performing in warm, sunny weather while the calendar
still says it is winter. While the weather in this year didn't quite
live up to the expectations on a couple of the days, if one was at the
event any of the three days they saw some great warbird flying. This
year the show was all about four B-25s. Normally if you are lucky
one B-25 will be at an event and it may not even fly if it is static only.
This year all four Mitchells flew all three days and with air boss Ralph
Royce directing the highly experienced pilots that were flying the B-25
portion of the show was very memorable.
The Tico show is about flying warbirds with a very small (thankfully)
sprinkling of civilian aerobatics. (But actually we need a couple of
civilian aerobatic acts as that gives us time to go to the Porta-John.
One does not want to be inside a Porta-John when the warbirds are flying!)
So the Tico air show committee gets it right with lots of warbirds.
Not like many shows that have lots of civilian aerobatics with a warbird
or two, or maybe none at all. "Supporting" the great B-25 fly-bys
was a cast of trainer fly-bys and formations, an F4U aerobatic
demonstration, T-6 aerobatic demonstration, jet formation team aerobatic
demonstration, T-33 demo, A-4 demo, along with P-51, P-40, AC-47,O-2, OV-1
all doing fly-bys and a UH-1 constantly flying as it was giving rides.
And this year, although not flying in the show, but flying rides before
and after the event, was the world's only B-29, "Fifi". Where else
are you going to see something like this? Not at most shows,
unfortunately What a way to start out the 2012 air show season!

First Flag jump of the year!! Welcome to
the 2012 Airshow Season!

"Spooky", the AC-47 from Topeka, KS was the
jump ship and taxies back in.

Doug Matthews makes a great pass in his super
looking T-33.

A Sky Soldiers Huey on final over Tom Reilly's
B-25 "Killer B". The Huey was giving rides all weekend.

Get Ready on the Hot Ramp!! Here come the


Barbie III!

Wild Cargo!

Killer B!

The B-25s put on a great show and kept the
patterns tight to get back in front of the crowd as quickly as possible.
Here Panchito and Barbie III turn to get back to show center.

A true Warbird!! John Fallis does a
fly-by in his P-40N, serial number 42-105861 for the crowd.
42-105861 served with the 49th Fighter Group of the 5th Air Force in the
South West Pacific from August 1943 until May 1944 when it was damaged and
left to rot at the former fighter strip at Dumpu, Papua, New Guinea.
It came back to the US in 1974 and John purchased it for restoration in
1998. We are glad he did.

John waves at the crowd as the P-51 flies

The CAF Corsair put on a fine Aerobatic
demonstration all three days.

Dennis Labbe from Ft. Meyers takes off in his
Cessna O-2A.

Dennis marked the target with his smoke
for the T-28s that did simulated strafing and bombing runs.

Note that the camera can see the pilot, which also means the pilot has
great visibility in the Mohawk to pick out targets on the ground.
The side canopies on the OV-1 actually let the pilot look down, something
that Grumman introduced in its famous S2F Tracker.

This is the first time I have seen this OV-1

Joe Masessa taxies back in after several nice
passes. Note the side canopies that allow the pilot and observer to
look down.

Count them as they taxi back in. Nine
T-28s were in the air at the same time. Actually when they started
up there were four B-25s in the air so for those of us that were down at the
west end we could hear (17) Wright Cyclone engines all at the same time.
When the T-28s taxied in and shut down it became real quiet.

Gene McNeely inbound for a photo pass.

Another first for me. A-4C 149606 rotates to begin the demo.

Skyhawk Ventures from Sanford, FL operates
this great looking warbird.

Dale "Snort" Snodgrass, solo pilot of the
Black Diamonds Aerobatic Team, doing what he is the master of.

The Black Diamonds were actually the Black
Trio for the weekend. Also missing was the Mig-17 for the solo.

Where did everyone go? This is sort of
like an old 1950's science fiction film where the population of a town
disappears. Here all the lawn chairs are deserted and no one is
standing at the show line. It turns out the B-29 was getting ready
to crank and take some riders up Saturday morning. All the
spectators had to get back even though the B-29 was out on the taxi way
and the prop wash would be parallel to the crowd line. This was new
to me. When at Midland in 2010, I stood right next to it on engine
crack with a lot of other enthusiasts.

Also new was the presence of real firemen as
fire guards. I have never seen this before. But note that the
B-29 crew member fire guard has the big extinguisher and the firemen look
to have one small extinguisher among them. I am not sure if the air
show, fire department or CAF requested all of the extra precautions.
In any event they were not needed. When at Midland I stood where the
fire guard is when the B-29 was starting.

The B-29 was scheduled to give rides at 10 am
and after the show at 5 pm each of the three days. However, on
Friday evening she taxied out, did the run-ups and then came back in due
to weather moving in. On Sunday when I came through the gate a 9 AM
the ticket taker told me it was going up at 10. I told him I thought
that was probably optimistic because at that time the birds weren't
necessarily walking, but they were probably discussing among themselves
that it might become necessary. Fifi did fly Sunday after the show
as shown here in my last photo of the weekend. On take-off the pilot
asked tower if he could come around for a 1,000 foot fly-by down the main
runway and was approved. The area was still 90% clouds but I was
able to catch Fifi in this patch of blue. A great way to end the
Titusville (Tico), FL
Urbana, OH B-25 Gathering
B-25 Fly-Over at
Doolittle Reunion, Dayton, OH
MCAS Cherry
Point, NC
Shaw AFB,
Sumter, SC
AFB, Knob Noster, MO
Boeing Field,
Seattle, WA
Kokomo Air Show,
Kokomo, IN
CWH Airshow,
Hamilton ON
Indianapolis Air Show, Greenfield, IN
Indianapolis Executive B-17
Texas Raiders
Thunder over
Michigan, Belleville, MI
Community Airshow, Alma, MI
Marion Fly-In/Drive-In,
Marion, IN
Fort Wayne Air
Show, Fort Wayne, IN
Waukegan, IL
Glendale Airport, Kokomo,
Regional Airport, IN
Indianapolis Metropolitan Airport, IN