Peru, IL TBM Reunion
Columbia, MO Veteran's Salute
Warbird Weekend June 29-July 1 - Battle
Creek Warbird Salute Spirit
of St. Louis Airshow, Chesterfield, MO
2018 Airshows
TBM Reunion/Salute to
Veterans Airshow Warbird Photo Review
Illinois Valley Regional Airport, Peru, IL - May 19, 2018 -
Photos taken Saturday May 19, 2018.
This was the third year for the
TBM Reunion at Peru, IL, and my first time there. It won't be my
last! The
simplicity of the show is its strength. There were four hours of
warbird fly-bys. There were no civilian or warbird aerobatics.
There were no jet trucks, demo teams, military demos, and no parachute
teams to clutter up the show. For four hours, the crowd was
treated to fly-bys from eleven TBMs, two Corsairs, one A-26, one Mig-17,
one FM-2, three T-6s, and two T-34s.
Unlike many other warbird shows
that promise a lot, and then end up delivering not nearly what was
promoted, this event proved to be exactly the opposite. Due to the
lack of pre-event information on the website, apart from the listing of
warbirds that planned to attend, I was not sure what to expect. It
turned out to be more than I had hoped! The afternoon went fast,
from all of action on the ramp and warbirds in the air. Despite
several warbirds not being able to arrive due to weather, there was
still plenty of flying. The airboss kept the show moving, and was
not stingy with the warbird passes, like many other shows.
To make it even
better, parking and entry to the event were free.
I plan to return
in future years, and recommend this show for the warbird enthusiast.
Below are just a few highlights of
the event.

Five of the eleven TBMs start their engines
for the mass fly-over at the end of the show. During the show, the
airshow narrator announced from the ramp .

Back to the beginning of the show. At
12:30 it was still hazy, but the fog has lifted. There is enough
ceiling and visibility to start the show.

During the morning this Corsair was stranded
about 30 miles from the show due to the low ceilings. Once the
weather broke, it flew in and gave us several passes before landing.

This is John Conner's 4FU-7 Bu.133710,
converted into the AU-1 configuration. This aircraft was one of 94
F7Us built by Vought for the French Navy. After serving with the
French, it returned to the U.S. and MCB Quantico where it was restored.
The Marines then exchanged it for an earlier model Corsair, after which
it was one of several Corsairs to star in the 1970's "Baa Baa Black
Sheep" TV show. This is the first time I have seen this Corsair.
John only did fly-bys and did not land at the show.

While the A-26 was doing fly-bys, Mike
Gillian arrived in his FM-2 from the Chicago area. We were then
treated to several formation passes with the two aircraft.

My spectator location put me right in the
middle of the ramp action. A few moments later the entire crowd
had to move back so we would not be under the TBM's wing when it taxied
by us.

There were several passes with the unique
combination of A-26, F4U, F-86 and FM-2.

The eleven TBMs launched and four of them
did overhead formation passes.

The seven remaining TBMs did low passes down
the runway.
A great day of flying is over. Eight
TBMs sit on the ramp after the show.