Peru, IL TBM Reunion
Columbia, MO Veteran's Salute
Warbird Weekend June 29-July 1 - Battle
Creek Warbird Salute Spirit
of St. Louis Airshow, Chesterfield, MO
2018 Airshows
Warbird Weekend
Photo Review
B-17 "Aluminum Overcast" at the
Greenwood Municipal Airport, IN - June 29-July 1, 2018 -
Photos taken Friday, June 29 and Sunday, July 1, 2018.
Battle Creek Warbird Salute Airshow, Battle Creek, MI - June 30- July 1,
- Photos taken Saturday, June 30, 2018.
Wings over Indy, Indianapolis Metro Airport, Fishers, IN - June 30- July
1, 2018
- Photos taken Sunday, July 1, 2018.
The weekend of June 29-July 1,
2018 was a busy weekend for me as I visited three different warbird
venues in as many days. One venue I visited twice. To the
non-warbird enthusiast, and even to the warbird enthusiast, this may
seem extreme. But summer only comes once a year, and the winter
months are long and dreary, so when a rare weekend of multiple warbird
events occurs, I take advantage of them.
B-17 "Aluminum Overcast" at the
Greenwood Municipal Airport, IN
"Aluminum Overcast" was in the Indianapolis area for three days
giving rides, and on Friday June 29 I went over to see it take off and
land several times in the morning.

I always like to watch engine
starts on radial aircraft with all of the smoke. This was the
first start of the day so there was a lot of smoke.

On the take-off roll.

Battle Creek Warbird Salute
Airshow, Battle Creek, MI
The Battle Creek Airshow and Balloon Festival has raised the bar for
all airshows. The event this year added a second weekend of
airshow with mostly warbirds and military acts. This is part of a
week long event that concludes with its normal airshow on the weekend of
July 8-9. I normally don't go to the Battle Creek show, but if it
continues with the format of two shows in the future, I will make the
warbird event a regular show to attend each year. This was very
well done, and the airboss ran a tight show. There was no dead
time, and the event started right on time with Scooter Yoak in his P-51D
Mustang "Quick Silver." When the show opens with a Mustang act of
this caliber, one knows it is going to be a great afternoon.
For brevity I have used one photo
from each act.

Scooter Yoak was at the top of his
game on Saturday. He has the best Mustang aerobatic routine of the

Following up right after the P-51
was Jim Tobul in the F4U-4 "Korean War Hero." Doing the two
aircraft back-to-back is very cool as it allows for comparison of the
maneuverability of the two.

The two aircraft then did a
routine together called the "Class of 45." They have been doing
this since 2013 which is obvious from the tight formation.

Four warbird acts in a row to
start the show! Jerry Conley in the DeHavilland DH-115
Vampire was next.

A break from the warbirds was the
MV-22 Osprey Demo from the USMC. Battle Creek was one of only four
shows getting the USMC Osprey demo in 2018.

The formation team for the show
was the Canadian Harvard Aerobatic Team. It has been several years
since I have seen them and they are just as good as ever.

The Navy's F-18 Super Hornet also
has limited events this year.

Jim Tobul went back up and joined
the F-18 for the Legacy Flight.

Battle Creek also had the A-10
Demo which is back after a several year hiatus. It was great to
see and here the Warthog again.

The Heritage Flight with P-51 "Bum
Steer" flown by Charles Hainline. Battle Creek had two different
Mustangs perform during the show.

The final act was the "Pacific Prowlers" act with a Corsair, Helldiver,
Dauntless and Kate replica (Not shown) as part of a routine with pyro.
The act include bombing and strafing runs by the two dive bombers, and
the Corsair chasing the Kate around after it attacks the airport.
This is the first time I have seen this demonstration which was flown
with a different Corsair than the one that flew earlier.

The act and the show ended with a wall of
fire with the three Navy aircraft over head.
The show as noted before ran like clockwork and was complete in just
over three hours. It remains to be seen whether the Battle Creek
Warbird Salute is a one time event, or something that will continue into
the future.
The show cost $5 for me to park. It was
another $8 with veteran's status for the cost of entry. ($10
normal adult cost.) This was a great value, and everything
promised in the pre-show advertising was present, and flew the show.
This three and a half hour event was a great value, and was unlike
another Michigan supposed warbird airshow that has lost its way, charges
exorbitant parking and gate fees, and then doesn't deliver a worthwhile
event. There may very well be a good warbird show now in Michigan
if Battle Creek carries this concept forward. The state of
Michigan could use one.
B-17 "Aluminum Overcast" at the
Greenwood Municipal Airport, IN
When I returned from Battle Creek
on Saturday evening, my oldest granddaughter met me at the door and had
to tell me we were going to go see airplanes the next day. She and
her younger sister were staying over night, and we also had them most of
the next day. I had already planted the seed with the wife about
taking to the local warbird events on Sunday. Obviously the wife
had passed the information on to our three year old granddaughter.
We start them early in our family!

Sunday morning had us waiting at the end of
the runway for "Aluminum Overcast" to come back in from a trip. If
I had been by myself, I probably would have taken photos of the approach
from the public sidewalk that is the other side of the fence.
There are not many places left in this country where you can stand under
the approach for a public airport.

After watching the engine start, taxi, out, take-off, the B-17 came back
over the airport. This was not done on Friday.
Wings over Indy, Indianapolis
Metro Airport, Fishers, IN
Also going on over the weekend was a static warbird event by the
Indiana Wing of the CAF at Metro Airport. Due to the excessive
heat we did a quick stop to see what was going on, and then left
But during the short time we were there I was able to talk with several
warbird and airshow friends I had not seen in a while. After we
watched the B-25 "Show Me" start up and take off we left, and my warbird
weekend was over.
