2011 Airshows
Tyndall AFB, FL
NAS Fort Worth JRB, TX
Indianapolis Regional, IN
Terre Haute, IN Open House
Monticello, IN Open House
Reading, PA WWII Weekend
Cincinnati, OH B-29
Appearance Hamilton, ONT
Kokomo, IN
Indianapolis Metropolitan, IN
City, FL Willow Run, MI
Indianapolis Regional, IN
Indianapolis Executive, IN
Grissom Aeroplex Huey Homecoming, IN
Selfridge ANGB, MI
Mattoon, IL
Marion, IN
Waukegan, IL
Janesville, WI
NAS Oceana, VA
Watervliet, MI
Terre Haute, IN 2011
Airport Open House
Photo Review
Warbirds at Terre Haute International
Airport - May 21, 2011
An Indiana Warbird Event
This Airport Open House was held on
another overcast and rainy day that has been the norm for the state of
Indiana in the months of April and May. Despite this there was an
excellent turnout for the event by the local citizens to visit their
airport and view not only the warbirds below but see the local aircraft
that were put on display by their owners to assist the effort. The
Missouri Wing of the CAF was giving rides in "Show Me" which provided the
heavy metal flying that was complemented by several local Cessna trainers
that were giving rides and taking passengers up to drop "Flour Bombs" on
the marked target. It was a great way to spend part of or an entire
day at the Terre Haute Airport.

Even though the weather was overcast with some rain showers in the
afternoon, "Show Me" still did four passenger rides and two flour bombing
runs during the event. So there was lots of B-25 action at Terre

Jordan and Nicole Brown's C-45. This warbird actually started life
as an AT-11 with the USAAF at the Bombardier Training School in
Albuquerque, NM in January 1942 as Serial Number 41-9442. After WWII
it was converted to the C-45H configuration it is in now. A true
WWII veteran located in Indiana.

This T-6D is owned by BFT Warbirds, LLC which stands for Jordan and Nicole
Brown, Bill Foraker and Matt Thorkmorton who are the
owners of the newest Warbird in the State of Indiana.

Engine Start!!

The nose art on the engine cowl of the T-6D depicts 1990 January Playmate of
the Month Joan Severance. Her spread in the magazine was titled
"Texas Twister"

The T-6D and C-45 on the ramp.

Although the "Texas Twister" is a T-6D it is
painted up like an SNJ in USS Lexington colors.

"Show Me" getting ready to touch down.

The C-45 and B-25 after the rain showers.
Tyndall AFB, FL
NAS Fort Worth JRB, TX
Indianapolis Regional, IN
Terre Haute, IN Open House
Monticello, IN Open House
Reading, PA WWII Weekend
Cincinnati, OH B-29
Appearance Hamilton, ONT
Kokomo, IN
Indianapolis Metropolitan, IN
City, FL Willow Run, MI
Indianapolis Regional, IN
Indianapolis Executive, IN
Grissom Aeroplex Huey Homecoming, IN
Selfridge ANGB, MI
Mattoon, IL
Marion, IN
Waukegan, IL
Janesville, WI
NAS Oceana, VA
Watervliet, MI