University of Chicago, IL
Oak Ridge, TN
Los Alamos, NM
Trinity Site, NM
Historic Manhattan
Project Sites
Las Alamos,
NM - May 26, 2010
During WWII Las Alamos is where all of
development, engineering and building of the one uranium bomb and two
plutonium bombs took place. Located on three elevated plateaus 30
miles north of Santa Fe for most of the war it was so secret it did
not even have a post office. Previously to the arrival of all of
the scientists, engineers, technicians and their families there was a
only a boys school located at what became the center of the town and
technical center. After WWII it continued the development of the
nuclear bombs for the US and is still an active complex. I came in
the scenic back way to the town when I visited and was momentarily
stopped at an armed checkpoint. What I remember most about
arriving at Las Alamos was the the M-16 with a 30 round magazine the
guard had propped up in the window. I made sure I didn't do
anything dumb.

On the right is the original part of Fuller Lodge, which was part of the
boy's school. It was commandeered by the military in early 1943
and the school and students had a week or two to leave the area.
This was used a dormitory for incoming personal until they could be
moved into permanent housing.

Fuller Lodge was constructed of 771 pine logs.

This was
built in 1918 and is oldest inhabited building in town. It was used as guest
quarters during Manhattan Project and is now the local museum.

Baker House which is similar to others in the area that were used to
house the more important persons involved in the Manhattan Project.
Previously they would have been inhabited by the administrators and
teachers at the school.

Another view of the Baker House after the sun came out.
University of Chicago, IL
Oak Ridge, TN
Los Alamos, NM
Trinity Site, NM