Barrancas, FL Ft.
Concho, TX Ft. Clatsop, OR Fort
Greenville, OH
Ft. Hawkins, GA Fort
Jefferson, FL Fort
Jefferson, OH
Ft. Langley, BC
Ft. Martin Scott, TX
Fort Morgan, AL
Fort Moultrie, SC
Ft. Pitt, PA
Ft. Recovery, OH
Fort Sumter, SC
Ft. Wayne, IN
Historic Forts
Ft. Pitt,
Pittsburgh, PA - June 5, 2008
Only one building still stands from the
original Ft. Pitt, which is a block house that was used to guard the
approach to the east, which is just outside the front door of the very
nice museum that describes the history of the era. All of this is
right in downtown Pittsburgh at the three rivers area close to football
and baseball stadiums along with a science museum. To the east of
Pittsburgh is the Bushy Run Battlefield, which is a must stop for the
history buff, as located there is the battleground and museum where the
American Indians were defeated trying to stop a relief column of British
Soldiers from reaching Ft. Pitt, which was surrounded and under siege
during Tecumseh's Rebellion. The Indian defeat was the last
resistance in the area and helped break the rebellion.

One can see the gun ports that were carved
into the horizontal black timbers.

1764. The blockhouse stands today because it was used for both commercial
uses and a a private residence long after the fort had deteriorated and

There was considerable construction going on in the Point Park where all
of this is located, which when finished will enhance the area and make for
first class destination.

Entrance to the Museum with one of the many
downtown skyscrapers looming overhead.

Looking north.
Barrancas, FL Ft.
Concho, TX Ft. Clatsop, OR Fort
Greenville, OH
Ft. Hawkins, GA Fort
Jefferson, FL Fort
Jefferson, OH
Ft. Langley, BC
Ft. Martin Scott, TX
Fort Morgan, AL
Fort Moultrie, SC
Ft. Pitt, PA
Ft. Recovery, OH
Fort Sumter, SC
Ft. Wayne, IN