GA B-25s
at Urbana, OH
B-25 Fly-Over the
National Museum of the USAF
SC National Guard Air
and Ground Expo
Dayton, OH
Goshen, IN
Tarkio, MO
Westfield, MA
Wings over Waukegan, IL
Colorado Springs, CO
2017 Airshows
Wingnuts Flying Circus
Airshow Warbird Photo Review
Warbirds at the Tarkio, MO Airport - July 8, 2017
The 2017 Best Little
Airshow in the Middle of Nowhere!!
How do you define "nowhere?" Try Tarkio, MO in
northwest Missouri, with a population of 1,583 persons. It is
located in Atchison County with a population of 5,685. Omaha, NE
is the nearest large city 85 miles to the north. Between Tarkio
and Kansas City, MO 118 miles to the south are corn and soy bean fields,
and cow pastures. The parking lot for the show is a cow pasture
where one needed to watch where they stepped.
And yet, the
Wingnuts Flying Circus Airshow had this!

A B-2 fly-by.
And this!

Four P-51 Mustangs.
And this!

A P-40 and P-63.
And this!

An A-10 fly-by.

How does such a show at
a small town airport pull in such acts? Some of it is the work of
Congressman Sam Graves, seen here waiting on the runway for Kent Pietsch to stop
the aircraft just as the propeller touches the congressman's hand. Congressman Graves started his
aviation career by washing airplanes at this same airport, and earlier
in the day he had flown the CAF P-40 for the crowd. Over
the years, I have seen references to this small airshow in western
Missouri put on by the local congressman, which is done on an every
other year basis. The
Wingnuts Flying Circus Airshow is sponsored by EAA Chapter 1405, which
it calls it the "Greatest Little Airshow." All of the
members of EAA Chapter 1405 need to be commended for their work on the
show while congressman is away in Washington. Airshows take a team
effort to put on.
I really enjoyed getting off the
interstate and driving the state highways to get to the airport.
This is a very pretty area, with many hills and a multitude of green
fields filled with crops. It looks like a very nice area to live
and raise a family.

Did I mention that Team Aeroshell also was present and performed?
Here Alan Henley stands up after the team did its end of show "burnout."

I could watch them every weekend.

My day at the show started with
the Aeroshell Team. Just as I arrived at 8am they left were taking
off on VIP rides. I took this photo from the parking lot.

P-51 "Cripes A Mighty" was being
pulled out of the hangar first thing in the morning. Also visible
is the crowd line which ran from where I am standing to the far side of
the last hangar. The crowd watched the show from between the
orange pylons and the hangars. One spectator has already picked
out a spot to watch the show from. The open hangar doors gave some
shade and relief from the heat until about noon time.

Mike Wiskus was there doing an
inverted ribbon cut.

Congressman Graves gave us several
nice high speed low passes in the P-40.

He also included three passes
doing rolls.

He finished up his routine with a
nice photo pass.

Jim Pietz was there in his
aerobatic Beech Bonanza. I had never seen this act before.

No self respecting airshow is
going to consider itself complete without the classic Stearman. In
this case it was Gary Rowman in his Super Stearman.

A very nice feature of the show is
that the pilots could taxi in front of the crowd after their acts.

Bobby Younkin was there with his
1943 Twin Beech doing his normal great performance.

The warbird segment of the show
lasted 40 minutes from start to finish. This included three
formation fly-bys from the four Mustangs and the P-40/P-63 combination.
Then there were a multitude of low passes down the runway, followed by
the P-40 demonstration, and finishing with a demo by the P-51

Normally P-51s don't do a dirty
pass during aerobatic demos, but "Gunfighter" did. Note that the
canopy is cracked open a little to give the pilot some fresh air in the
90 degree heat.

I will finish where I started; in
the parking lot. This was my last photo of the day. The B-2
photos were taken from the parking lot as I was executing an early
departure from the show. It was 260 miles to my hotel for the
evening, and I did not need to be delayed.
The show was three hours in length,
and had a first class lineup of warbirds and civilian aerobatic acts.
This show was as good or better than many of the larger shows I have
been to. It was a great day at the Tarkio Airshow!