2009 Airshows
Branson, MO
Barksdale AFB, LA Chino, CA
Monticello, IN
Indianapolis, IN
Middletown, OH
Kokomo, IN
Oshkosh, WI
Van Wert, OH
Selfridge ANGB, MI
Huey Reunion, Peru, IN
Marion, IN
Urbana, OH
Waukegan, IL
Scott AFB, IL
Houston, TX
Randolph AFB, TX
American Huey 369, Inc. Reunion,
Peru, IN 2009
August 22-23, 2009 (Photos
taken 8-23-2009)
This was not an air show
per say but an event to honor Vietnam Vets and to allow the public to
visit and see what American Huey 369, Inc. is all about. Included on
the grounds at a private Heliport were both flyable Hueys operated by
group along with displays and food. Members of the organization were
able to take a 10 minute Membership Flight if they had not already done so this year,
which is one of the privileges that comes with being a member of this
great group . Huey 369 has been flying for two years now after an
extensive restoration and Huey 803/Warrior 11 just started flying again
after many years this July. For more about both of these aircraft go to the
American Huey 369,
Inc. website.

Both days had a Vietnam Huey Re-enactment to
demonstrate how the Uh-1 was utilized in SEA. Here the Blue Team
loads up in Warrior 11.

Loaded and ready to go.

Warrior 11departs.

Huey 369 lifts off also.

A simulated LRRP (Long Range Reconnaissance
Patronl) team.

Having taken enemy fire, the LRRP team requests help. Here the Blue
Team exists Huey 803/ Warrior 11.

Having dropped the Blue Team off, Huey 803 "gets out of Dodge".

One of the Blue Team members suffers a wound,
resulting in Huey "Dustoff" 369 to arrive . Here the wounded trooper
is loaded on the Medivac to be taken to a field hospital.

Huey 369 lifting off with the causality.

The enemy force having been subdued by the combine firepower of the Blue
Team and LRRP's, Huey 803 arrives to extract the Blue Team.

The Blue Team loads up. The LRRP's will
continue on their mission.

Huey 803 departs the LZ as co-founder of American Huey 369, Inc. John
Walker in the yellow shirt, observes. John's brother Alan is the
other co-founder of this great organization.

Huey 369 follows Warrior 11 in for landing
after the re-enactment.

.Where can you see two Hueys working together
like this? Only at American Huey 369, Inc. in North Central
Branson, MO
Barksdale AFB, LA Chino, CA
Monticello, IN
Indianapolis, IN
Middletown, OH
Kokomo, IN
Oshkosh, WI
Van Wert, OH
Selfridge ANGB, MI
Huey Reunion, Peru, IN
Marion, IN
Urbana, OH
Waukegan, IL
Scott AFB, IL
Houston, TX
Randolph AFB, TX