Independence Day Warbird Events
TBM Engine Start-up at the National
Museum of World War II Aviation
Crossroads Airshow Practice Show
2023 Airshows
TBM Reunion/Salute to
Veterans Airshow Warbird Photo Review
Illinois Valley Regional Airport, Peru, IL - May 19-20, 2023 -
Photos taken Saturday May 20, 2023.

How cool is this? The City of Peru, IL
has images of TBMs on this water tower. This water tower is
located a mile east of the airport where the TBM and Salute to Veterans
Airshow takes place.
The TBM Reunion and Salute
to Veterans Airshow originally began as a birthday party for Brad Deckert,
who owns a TBM that he operates out of the Peru airport. Several TBM owners flew in to celebrate his birthday. That worked
out so well that the TBM owners decided to do it on an annual basis.
Over the years, the event has continually grown and now includes an
excellent veteran's salute on Saturday before the flying starts.
This year's salute included spectator participation, with at least one
hundred who lined up in a formation holding American Flags on poles.
It is rare that a
municipality will become a sponsor of an airshow. However, with
the patriotic theme of the show the City of Peru has become the
presenter of the event. The city has also painted images of TBMs
on at least one of its water towers. This one is located along
I-80 for all of the travelers to see as they go by. This is a
unique event.

This P-40N was a welcome surprise at the show. It also turns out
to be a World War Two veteran of the RAAF in Southwest Pacific.
Even more of a surprise to me was learning that it is owned by Mr. Tim
Savage of Huntington, IN. The Huntington airport from where this
operates is just 51 miles north of my house. In
the many years I have been involved with warbirds, this is the first
time that we have had a P-40 located in the state of Indiana. I
look forward to seeing more of this aircraft at future events.

This aircraft is USAAF serial number
42-104827. It went to the RAAF in July 1943 and was given the number
A29-414. A year later on April 25, 1944, it had a landing accident
which caused it to burn. This was at the Tadji airfield on Papua,
New Guinea. This was originally a Japanese airstrip that had been
built in 1942 and just captured in April 1944. The reason for the
accident may well have been that the airfield had not yet been brought up to Allied
standards, as it had just been captured only three days earlier by the 163rd Regiment of the
American 32nd Division. Its initial use was as an
emergency crash field.

This aircraft was recovered in 2001 and
restored in New Zealand. It was then purchased by Vintage Wings of
Canada in 2009.

The desert paint scheme represents the P-40
flown by Canadian ace Stocky Edwards.

One cannot have a TBM reunion without TBMs.
Five of the six at the 2023 show are shown lined up in the early

There was also a collection of single engine
trainers at the event.

Also flying with the trainers was this twin
engine C-45.

Also in attendance at the event was this

The two fighters did some formation passes
for the crowd.

The TBM Reunion is an all warbird event.
Each year it brings in a warbird aerobatic routine. This year it
was Matt Younkin in his 1943 C-45 that served at Ellington Field in
Houston, TX during World War Two. I never get tired of seeing and
hearing this act. I still remember seeing this at an airshow many
years ago when the late Bobby Younkin first introduced this act. I
still remember just watching the event for the first time in amazement.
I am still amazed by this act.

There were three jet aircraft that also
attended the event. This is one of two T-33s that were there.

This is the TBM Reunion's version of the
U.S. Air Force's Heritage Flight. While the announcer called it
the Legacy Flight like the U.S. Navy uses, it consisted of two World War
Two USAAF fighters and a more modern T-33. The three aircraft made
several passes similar to the U.S. Air Force's Heritage Flight finishing
with this flight over the crowd from behind the show line. The
show also included the music used in the Heritage Flight. No
matter how many airshows I visit, there is always something new to see.
This is the first time I have seen this version of a heritage flight.

There was also this L-39 at the event.

This T-33 was the second of the two at the
TBM Reunion.

The heavy iron for the show was the B-25
"Yankee Doodle." B-25s are a lot of fun to listen to as they
tak eoff. Lots of "sounds of rounds!"

This is a quick
overview of the event. The TBM Reunion and Salute to Veterans is
unique. Today's airshow industry is trending towards mega-shows
with high-priced admission and parking fees just to get in. Then
in many cases, all of the good crowd line locations are occupied by high
priced chalets and special seating. The flying venues have the same
aerobatic routines and military jet teams. Warbirds are few and
far between at these events.

The TBM reunion is just the opposite of these types of shows. The
event is free. The parking is free. There are no chalets or
special seating. One can get a good location along the front crowd
line as the warbird enthusiasts in the left of this photo have done.
Or one can set up a chair or blanket and watch the show from the
grass. In the background, another group of visitors have set up
next to the active ramp to be close to the aircraft as they taxi in and
out of the ramp during the day.
There are costs to doing
an event like this. The coordinators of this event need to be
commended for finding a way to pay for the costs and yet make this a
free event to maximize attendance for the Salute to Veterans. It
also takes a lot of time and effort during the rest of the year to put
an event like this. All of the persons in Peru, IL who have
donated their time, effort, and in many cases funding, have helped create an outstanding
aviation and veteran's event. I thank them for their efforts.